This material is presented very differently to existing organizational books. It starts with the "real-life", and then links and applies the various theories and concepts. This creates a very interesting read and I believe most students will find this style easy to grasp.
Bruce Mitchell, Senior Lecturer, Department of Management and Organisational Studies, Oxford Brookes University
This new book has many strengths. The questions - especially the chapter study questions - are highly relevant and are an extremely good starting point for class discussions and group work. Brilliant! The definition boxes also make the book very useful as a "working tool".
Jeanette Lemmergaard, Associate Professor of Human Resource Management and Internal Communication, University of Southern Denmark; Part-time Associate Professor, Aarhus School of Business
I truly like what I have read. Little jargon is used, and the authors move elegantly from theory to theory, from organizational scholar to organizational scholar.
Ad van Iterson, Associate Professor, Maastricht University, the Netherlands