<i>'Clusters pass through life cycles - they emerge, grow, mature and ultimately decline. Unlike the human body, however, they can adapt and transform to escape their terminal fate. This cyclic nature of cluster development has long been ignored by static and one-size-fits-all policy approaches. Linking cluster life cycles to cluster policies and initiatives, this carefully edited book bridges that gap by bringing together established scholars and experienced consultants. It is thus essential reading for scholars, students, policy-makers and practitioners.'</i>
- Matthias Kiese, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany,
<i>'This excellent book fills an important gap in the literature on clusters and cluster policy. In my view, it is the most comprehensive overview on evolutionary cluster thinking to date and therefore a must read for scholars in the field. But thanks to its relevant ideas, policy lessons and case studies, I also consider it a good read for forward-looking policy makers involved in cluster development.'</i>
- Gert-Jan Hospers, University of Twente, the Netherlands,