<i>‘The book is full of real-life examples that distinguishes the boundaries of resilience and its potential implications on organisational practices [...] It describes many contrasting forces and deeper interpretations of the resilience phenomenon. It is a knowledge source for researchers of interest in resilience engineering, resilience economy and the subject of resilience in general.’</i>
- Mohamed Buheji, International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy,
<i>‘The Elgar Introduction to Theories of Organizational Resilience sets itself apart from other works by acknowledging the jargon-filled wasteland of meanings that has undermined scholarship in resilience. The book has clear goals: shedding light on the definition of resilience, distinguishing it from related ideas, setting forth models of organizational resilience, and offering a dialectical understanding of the term in practice as a process, dependent on the interaction of adaptation and reaction.’</i>
- Christopher L. Atkinson, International Journal of Public Administration,