a compelling study, and a powerful argument
Florian Schneider, China Quarterly
In this excellent book, Jun Liu advocates a communication-centered perspective that highlights how communication in various forms, be it face-to-face, mass communication, or networked communication, may permeate diferent phases of contention and shape the dynamics of contentious politics. With impressive frst-hand feldwork and interview data collected in a period of over 10 years (roughly 20032013), Liu fleshes out his point by systematically examining the infuence of communication,especially mobile communication, on political contention as it unfolds.... The book is an important work with solidempirical findings and theoretical contributions. Scholars interested in communication studies, contentious politics, and China studies will find it particularly useful.
Rongbin Han, Journal of Chinese Political Science
With cases of collective contentions in China, [Liu] explores how communication practices shape political opportunities, mobilise structure, and frame processes that structure collective contentions.
Jun Zhang, Journal of Contemporary Asia
Jun Liu takes an original approach in this strong contribution to understanding the role of communication in contemporary Chinese politics. Rich empirical discussions bring together different strands of scholarship to elucidate the bigger picture and create a framework that has previously been left mostly implicit.
Elisa Oreglia, King's College London