Media in Europe Today provides a comprehensive overview of European media in its current state of transformation. Through a focus on specific European media sectors, it assesses the impact of new technologies across industries and addresses a wide range of practices, strategies, and challenges facing European media today. The Euromedia Research Group has more than twenty years of experience in the observation of trends affecting media today, and this book marks the strong continuation of that long tradition.
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Provides a theoretical and contextual analysis which highlights the major themes and issues affecting European media. This book maps the scope of contemporary media policy and industry activities, assessing the impact of various technologies and radical changes in distribution and consumption on media practices, organisations and strategies.
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Introduction, Denis McQuail   Comparing Media Systems: The European Dimension – Barbara Thomass and Hans J. Kleinsteuber   Newspapers: Adapting and Experimenting –  Anker Brink Lund, Karin Raeymaeckers and Josef Trappel   Radio: A Resilient Medium – Hans J. Kleinsteuber   Commercial Television: Business in Transition – Laura Bergés Saura and Gunn Sara Enli   Online Media: Changing Provision of News – Josef Trappel and Gunn Sara Enli   Deficits and Potentials of the Public Spheres – Barbara Thomass   Media Serving Democracy – Hannu Nieminen and Josef Trappel   From Media Regulation to Democratic Media Governance – Werner A. Meier   Media Industries: Ownership, Copyright and Regulation – Elena Vartanova, Laura Bergés Saura, Jeanette Steemers and Stylianos Papathanassopoulos   From Public Service Broadcasting to Public Service Media – Leen d’Haenens, Helena Sousa and Olof Hultén   Changing Practices of Journalism – Aukse Balcytiene, Karin Raeymaeckers and Elena Vartanova   Media and Ethnic Minorities – Leen d’Haenens and Tristan Mattelart   Europe as World News Leader – Jeremy Tunstall
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Intellect Books
445 gr
229 mm
178 mm
15 mm
P, 06
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Josef Trappel is professor of media policy and media economics at the University of Salzburg.

Werner A. Meier is a senior researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich.

Leen d'Haenens is associate professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands.

Jeanette Steemers is professor in the School of Media, Arts, and Design at the University of Westminster, Harrow.

Barbara Thomass is professor in the Institute for Media Studies at Ruhr University.