Stephen Ward is a public intellectual of the first order, challenging us to global citizenship in these dangerous times of net-powered extremism and authoritarian politics. This book is profoundly informed across history and geography, and philosophically astute on the morality of human flourishing. With its literary precision and theoretical elegance, Ethical Journalism in a Populist Age will become a classic equal to Lippmann’s Public Opinion, Scanlon’s What We Owe Each Other, and Dworkin’s Sovereign Virtue.
- Clifford G. Christians, University of Illinois,
After decades of working in the trenches of real journalism and ethics theory, Stephen Ward offers a refined framework for how journalists should confront our globalized media world. In this book, he offers a valuable and highly relevant exploration of populism in world politics. This sets the stage for his provocative call to arms for 'democratically engaged journalism' to address the constant threat of demagogy. Meeting this call requires journalists to move beyond tired notions of western objectivity. Ward has made a valuable contribution to journalism ethics theorizing.
- Patrick Lee Plaisance, Don W. Davis Professor in Ethics, Pennsylvania State University,
At a time when democracy around the world seems threatened by raging populism, callous disregard for the truth, and persistent social and economic inequality, Ward’s book reminds us of the crucial importance of ethically committed journalism. It sounds a warning that should resonate widely.
- Herman Wasserman, Professor of Media Studies at the University of Cape Town,