"Outstanding... highly recommended." -- N. M. Brooks, Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries "An elegant and stimulating book that all concerned with the period will wish to read." -- Christopher Read, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, Slavic Review
-- Mark Steinberg, University of Illinois
Focuses on the ways in which lesbian sadomascochistic sexual practices have been engaged by critics and theorists. The text notes how this much-reviled area of sexuality has emerged as a Rorschach test for diverse communities that are struggling to come to grips with their own sexual anxieties.
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Introduction by David McDonald Part I: Lenin, Martov and the issue of power Part II: The workers'movement after lena: the dynamics of labor unrest in the wake of the lena goldfields massacre (april 1912--July 1914) Notes Appendix I. Lenin's April Theses Appendix II. Summary of Major Findings of Quantitative Analysis of Social Characteristics of Participants in Post-Lena Strike Waves
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"With the consummate analytical skill so familiar to his many students, Leopold Haimson here sheds fascinating light on two seemingly familiar subjects. Using new materials from the Menshevik archives, he explores the tangled helix of political thinking that linked and separated Lenin and Martov, penetrating their mindsets and showing how much Lenin's drive for power in October related to the alternative possibilities posed by his rival. In a detailed examination of the 1912 Lena episode, he again dissects his sources to reveal the mentalities behind the callous ineptitude of leading government figures and the humanistic foundations of worker resistance. Quintessential Haimson!" -- William G. Rosenberg, University of Michigan
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Columbia University Press
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