“A great resource filled with tips and tricks, something for everyone, from the novice to the guru!”—Mary J. Soucie, MLIS, Library Director, Wilmington Public Library District, Wilmington, Illinois; “<i>Thinking Outside the Book</i> is packed with practical tips for librarians in academic, public and school libraries. The ideas are fresh and full of twenty-first century cool while meeting the standards and expectations of traditional librarianship. This is a must read for librarians looking to bring renewed energy to their library.”—Kathryn Miller, JD, MAT, MLS, Certified Library Media Specialist, Associate Professor, National-Louis University, Chicago; “Whether you work with the general public, children, or college students, this book provides smart and practical techniques for improving your library and your career through chapters that are simultaneously innovative and practical.”—Lisa Bier, Social Sciences Librarian, Southern Connecticut State University; “<i>Thinking Outside the Book</i> is a fabulous compilation of skills librarians often are asked to perform, but have little experience with. A must need for those that ever think, ‘they didn’t cover this in library school.’”—Kristen Mastel, Reference Librarian, MINITEX Library Information Network; “The essays have sound, practical, and doable advise; with topics such as community outreach initiatives, Web 2.0 technologies for all ages, library-sponsored writing workshops, and cybrarian professional development.”—Carol Anne Germain, Networked Resources Education Librarian; “<i>Thinking Outside the Book</i> offers a refreshing variety of practical ideas for library professionals at any type of library. The authors speak from experience, offering inspiration for improving your library and refining your personal skills.”—Nancy Maloney, Electronic Resources Librarian, BP North America, Naperville, Illinois.