This resource is a very informative, practical guide on how to plan programs for financial literacy in libraries. It is an excellent starting point for anybody interested in instructing patrons on financial literacy, through lectures and workshops, acquiring materials, assisting patrons at the reference desk, and advising them. The Library’s Role in Supporting Financial Literacy for Patrons is highly recommended.
American Reference Books Annual
From small public libraries to large academic libraries, patrons seek financial and career prep information. This compilation is a trove of how-to tips and case studies, useful to anyone creating or expanding their library’s financial literacy services.
- Patti Gibbons, Head of Collection Management, University of Chicago Library,
This comprehensive resource will inspire staff from all types of libraries to encourage community prosperity through financial literacy programs and services.
- Chelsie Harris, Community Relations Manager, San Diego County Library,
Librarians recognizing the significance of supporting financial literacy skill development, but not sure how to being, will benefit from this helpful volume which includes practical, field-tested information that will enable libraries of any size or type to offer these valuable programs.
- Theresa McDevitt, Government Documents/Outreach Librarian, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Library,
A talented group of librarians has created practical ways for libraries to provide important services on important financial issues
- Carla Lehn, Library Programs Consultant, California State Library,
Everything you need to know about providing financial literacy to your patrons, you can find in this anthology. Whether providing answers to basic questions or offering up full financial services, this anthology provides useful ideas for every level.
- Jane Gov, Librarian, Youth Services, Pasadena Public Library, Central Library,
This anthology presents a wide range of relevant practices and contexts (homebuyers education, salary negotiation, tax preparation) as an essential guide for ongoing development of financial literacy programs in libraries.
- Andre Powe, Coordinator of Hospital Storytelling, Brooklyn Public Library,
This all-inclusive anthology provides insightful and useful information on the direct and indirect benefits of the multidimensional partnership between libraries and financial literacy programs.
- Jeannine Berroteran, Freelance Writer and Researcher, MLS,
There is clearly a knowledge deficit when it comes to Financial Literacy, and the library is uniquely positioned to provide patrons of all ages with the guidance and information they need to make smarter choices.
- Lindsey Smith, Outreach Services/Volunteer Coordinator, Worthington Libraries, Worthington, Ohio,