[T]his beautifully formatted guide provides thorough coverage of topics as far ranging as the Internet’s development and inner workings, mechanics of search engine algorithms and logic, cloud storage, the concept of an online presence, online ways to communicate with patrons, evaluation of online information, online dangers (phishing, identity theft, malware, cyberbullying, etc.), and troubleshooting for common computer hardware and software problems. The writing is straightforward, direct, and understandable. . . .Entry-level, midcareer, and seasoned librarians in any library setting will appreciate the background information, level of detail, and clarity of expression. The work is enhanced by more than ten illustrations, numerous shaded textboxes, pertinent references at the end of each chapter, and a four-page index. The content could be used to develop instruction for others who are unfamiliar with the workings of the web or as an on-the-job reference tool for new library staff.
Journal of the Medical Library Association
Integrating the Web into Everyday Library Services: A Practical Guide for Librarians presents a complex subject in a clear voice accessible to the non-technical reader. The author offers a refreshing break from the technical jargon that is typical of books covering the Internet and the World Wide Web. She puts a human face on the discipline of information technology. As you read, you are drawn into the subject, finding your questions being anticipated and answered consistently. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is currently working or planning a career that would benefit from a better understanding of networking, electronic information management and the Internet.
- Robert A. Pilgrim, Associate Professor, Computer Science & Information Systems, Murray State University, Kentucky,