The first in a two-volume set edited by Smallwood covers library instruction for users, collaborators, and library administration along with collection management and library productivity . . . The material is meant for librarians working in a variety of settings. . . .Chapters are arranged thematically and can be read in any order. Some of them provide basic technical information about various Google products, whereas others connect these tools to larger issues (e.g., collaborative writing). Many chapters are relevant to several of the thematic categories, so it is worth perusing the chapter titles rather than relying solely on the section headings. For instance, several segments in 'Library Instruction for Users' are relevant to a much broader audience. VERDICT Librarians looking for an introduction to a variety of Google applications and their potential utility in the workplace should consult this text, especially if their budget is tight.
Library Journal
The Complete Guide to Using Google in Libraries is an edited, two-volume how-to guide to Google tools and services, written by library professionals with intimate, hands-on knowledge of their application and purpose. Editor Carol Smallwood is a prolific author and editor of library science publications with wide-ranging experience in school, public, academic, and special libraries…. [B]rowsing the ideas in these two volumes encourages readers to think creatively about combining Google tools in ways they may not have previously considered. This compilation of how-to essays is unique in its wide coverage and specific application to library and information professions…. Hampton provides insight on how a related product might alter patrons’ perspectives and uses of the library. Given the speed at which technology is changing, readers should take advantage of The Complete Guide to Using Google in Libraries sooner rather than later. Librarians, technologists, and information professionals will gain insight into creatively adapting Google tools and services in new and interesting ways.
portal: Libraries and the Academy
A useful tool for library staff at all levels to fully utilize Google, our most commonly accessed research tool.
- Karen Harrison Dyck, past president of the Canadian Library Association,
Effective applications of Google for an array of library staff and operations: teaching, administration and assessment.
- Lura Sanborn, Media Librarian, St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hampshire,
This highly practical, cutting-edge anthology provides an essential road map for using Google tools to improve library services, operations, and instruction.
- Lauren Magnuson,
This volume will prove valuable to any librarian looking to better incorporate the myriad tools of Google into their libraries, whether public or academic.
- Brady Clemens, Director, Juniata County Library, Mifflintown, Pennsylvania,
This collection highlights the varied, practical uses of Google Applications readily available to library staff in support of operations, no matter the audience or task.
- Vanessa Neblett, Assistant Manager, Reference Central, Orange County (Florida) Library System,
This how-to book is an impressive assay of collaborative librarianship.
- Sharon M. Miller, library director emeritus, Mechanics' Institute Library, San Francisco; on Library Technology Industry Advisory Committee for San Francisco City College,
This collection shows libraries of all sizes how to unleash the power of Google for their patrons and their staff with proven and dynamic examples.
- Amanda D. McKay, Director, Helen Matthes Library, Effingham, Illinois,
Librarians in this book go beyond Google Search to utilize its many applications for management, service analytics, assessment, instruction and much more!
- Jane Devine, Chief Librarian, LaGuardia Community College, Long Island City, New York,