The delivery of reliable and efficient aviation services is predicated on effective decisions being made concerning the planning and provision of airport and aircraft infrastructure. Decisions that are made about investment and capacity provision have long term implications for airports, airlines and consumers. This Volume addresses issues of forecasting, infrastructure planning and provision, capacity, scheduling, safety and security, disruption management and resilience. Accurately forecasting consumer demand for air travel is a vitally important but notoriously challenging aspect of aviation policy formation and management. Forecasts of airline and airport activity may differ considerably from original predictions and there have been many examples of operational difficulties resulting from the over or underestimation of demand. Such issues are apparent not only in terminal buildings but also on the airfield and are of critical interest to planners and operational decision makers. Another activity which is of paramount importance is scheduling. Scheduling forms a vital part of airline operations as it is concerned with making the optimum use of scare resources and meeting consumer demand profitably. In terms of aviation planning and operations the importance of safety and security cannot be overstated and a number of essays in this Volume address this area. Together with safety and security concerns, a number of other factors have the potential to disrupt planned schedules and any disruption has the potential to cause delays, inconvenience and lost productivity and so ensuring a quick and orderly return to normal routine operations is vital.
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This volume addresses issues of forecasting, infrastructure planning and provision, capacity, scheduling, safety and security, disruption management and resilience.
Volume 2 Aviation Planning and Operations IntroductionPart I Forecasting A. S. De Vany and E. H. Garges, ‘A Forecast of Air Travel and Airport and Airway Use in 1980’, Transportation Research, 6, 1972, 1-18. T. Grosche, F. Rothlauf and A. Heinzl, ‘Gravity Models for Airline Passenger Volume Estimation’, Journal of Air Transport Management, 13, 2007, 175-183. E. Suryani, S.-Y.Chou and C.-H. Chen, ‘Air Passenger Demand Forecasting and Passenger Terminal Capacity Expansion: A System Dynamics Framework’, Expert Systems with Applications, 37, 2010, 2324-2339. Part II Infrastructure Planning and Provision R. A. A. Wijnen, W. E. Walker and J. H. Kwakkel, ‘Decision Support for Airport Strategic Planning, Transportation Planning and Technology, 31, 1, 2008, 11-34. R. Vreeker, P. Nijkamp and C. T. Welle, ‘A Multicriteria Decision Support Methodology for Evaluating Airport Expansion Plans’, Transportation Research Part D, 7, 2002, 27-47. P. Forsyth, ‘Airport Infrastructure for the Airbus A380: Cost Recovery and Pricing’, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 39, 3, 2005, 341-362. Part III Capacity M. A. Stamatopoulos, K. G. Zografos and A. R. Odoni, ‘A Decision Support System for Airport Strategic Planning’, Transportation Research Part C, 12, 2004, 91-117. A. Carlin and R. E. Park, ‘Marginal Cost Pricing of Airport Runway Capacity’, American Economic Review, 60, 3, 1970, 310-319. E. Pels and E. T. Verhoef, ‘The Economics of Airport Congestion Pricing’, Journal of Urban Economics, 55, 2004, 257-277. G. Sieg, ‘Grandfather Rights in the Market for Airport Slots’, Transportation Research Part B, 44, 2010, 29-37. D. Starkie, ‘Allocating Airport Slots: A Role for the Market?’, Journal of Air Transport Management, 4, 1998, 111-116. S. Solak, J.-P. Clarke and E. L. Johnson, ‘Airport Terminal Capacity Planning’, Transportation Research Part B, 43, 2009, 659-676. Part IV Scheduling C. Barnhart and A. Cohn, ‘Airline Schedule Planning: Accomplishments and Opportunities’, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 6, 1, 2004, 3-22. G. Desaulniers, J. Desrosiers, Y. Dumas, M. M. Solomon and F. Soumis, ‘Daily Aircraft Routing and Scheduling’, Management Science, 43, 6, 1997, 841-855. C. A. Hane, C. Barnhart, E. L. Johnson, R. E. Marsten, G. L. Nemhauser and G. Sigismondi, ‘The Fleet Assignment Problem: Solving a Large-scale Integer Program’, Mathematical Programming, 70, 1995, 211-232. A. M. Cohn and C. Barnhart, ‘Improving Crew Scheduling by Incorporating Key Maintenance Routing Decisions’, Operations Research, 51, 3, 2003, 387-396. Part V Safety and Security M. Janic, ‘An Assessment of Risk and Safety in Civil Aviation’, Journal of Air Transport Management, 6, 2000, 43-50. R. L. Helmreich, A. C. Merritt and J. A. Wilhelm, ‘The Evolution of Crew Resource Management Training in Commercial Aviation’, The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9, 1, 1999, 19-32. B. F. Blackwell, T. L. DeVault, E. Fernández-Juricic and R. A. Dolbeer, ‘Wildlife Collisions with Aircraft: A Missing Component of Land-use Planning for Airports’, Landscape and Urban Planning, 93, 2009, 1-9. T. A. Birkland, ‘Learning and Policy Improvement After Disaster: The Case of Aviation Security, American Behavioral Scientist, 48, 3, 2004, 341-364. P. Adey, ‘Surveillance at the Airport: Surveilling Mobility/Mobilising Surveillance’, Environment & Planning A, 36, 2004, 1365-1380. Part VI Disruption Management and Resilience N. Kohl, A. Larsen, J. Larsen, A. Ross and S. Tiourine, ‘Airline Disruption Management – Perspectives, Experiences and Outlook’, Journal of Air Transport Management, 13, 2007, 149-162. J. Clausen, A. Larsen, J. Larsen and N. J. Rezanova, ‘Disruption Management and the Airline Industry – Concepts, Models and Methods’, Computers & Operations Research, 37, 2010, 809-821. S. Lan, J.-P. Clarke and C. Barnhart, ‘Planning for Robust Airline Operations: Optimizing Aircraft Routings and Flight Departure Times to Minimize Passenger Disruptions’, Transportation Science, 40, 1, 2006, 15-28. L. Budd, M. Bell and T. Brown, ‘Of Plagues, Planes and Politics: Controlling the Global Spread of Infectious Diseases by Air’, Political Geography, 28, 2009, 426-435.
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Lucy Budd is Professor in Air Transport Management and Stephen Ison is Professor of Air Transport Policy at De Montfort University, UK.