"Restoring Resilience provides an innovative and convincing roadmap to optimize clients' resilience through the clinical interaction. Embedded in Russell's model is an understanding that resilience is a core component of the healthy individual that, as a construct, mirrors the physiological construct of homeostasis. Similar to homeostasis, the self has a natural range around a set point that optimizes reactions to challenges. The expanded range around a set point is Russell's definition of resilience and the goal of psychotherapy. Russell's intellectual agility shines through as she deconstructs clinical vignettes from emotional, historical, interpersonal, and neuroscience perspectives." -- Stephen Porges, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; author of The Polyvagal Theory "In this wonderfully rich synthesis of theory, science, and clinical application, Eileen Russell takes us on an insightful and inspiring exploration of how the process of therapy can be deepened and enhanced when resilience, rather than psychopathology, becomes our focus. It is a must read for any clinician interested in more readily and reliably recognizing and making optimal use of our clients' innate capacity for healing and transformation. I highly recommend it." -- Ronald J. Frederick, PhD, psychologist; author of Living Like You Mean It "As someone who has researched the positive effects of learning AEDP on the person of the therapist, I welcome Russell's book. Through ample case examples, annotated transcripts, and eloquent disquisition, Russell enables the reader to understand and experience how resilience-oriented work enlivens stuck clients and stuck therapists. Whether AEDP is your home theory or not, you will find clinical wisdom and, I dare say, inspiration within its pages." -- Hanna Levenson, PhD, Professor, Wright Institute; author of Brief Dynamic Therapy: An Attachment-based, Experiential Approach