This new 4 volume collection is an authoritative anthology containing the best scholarship on aspects of religion in contemporary China. The articles will focus on religious beliefs, practices and organisations as well as on the interactive relations between religion and other dimensions of communal, social, political and economic life in Mainland China and overseas Chinese communities.
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This new 4 volume collection is an authoritative anthology containing the best scholarship on religion in contemporary China. The articles focus on religious beliefs, practices and organisations as well as on the interactive relations between religion and other dimensions of communal, social, political and economic life.
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Volume I: Methods and PerspectivesThe State of Field Daniel L. Overmyer, Gary Arbuckle, Dru C. Gladney, John R. McRae and Rodney L. Taylor, Chinese Religions The State of the Field, The Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 54, No. 1 (1995), pp. 124-160. Richard Madsen, Religious Renaissance in China Today, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 40, 2 (2011),17-42. E. Zürcher, Perspectives in the Study of Chinese Buddhism, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, No. 1 (1982), pp. 161-176. Nicolas Standaert, Christianity as a Religion in China. Insights from the Handbook of Christianity in China: Volume One (635-1800). Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, vol. 12, (2001). pp. 1-21. Stephen F. Teiser, Popular Religion, The Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 54, No. 2 (1995), pp. 378-95. Different Approaches Jacques Gernet, Christian and Chinese World Views in the Seventeenth Century, Diogenes 1979: 93-115. Xinzhong Yao, Who is a Confucian Today? A Critical Reflection on the Issues Concerning Confucian Identity in Modern Times, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 16:3 (2001), 313-328. Yunfeng Lu, Entrepreneurial Logics and the Evolution of Falun Gong, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2005), pp. 173-185. Andrew B. Kipnis, The Flourishing of Religion in Post-Mao China and the Anthropological Category of Religion, The Australian Journal of Anthropology, Volume 12, Issue 1(2001), pp. 32–46. Fenggang Yang, Religion in China under Communism: A Shortage Economy Explanation, The Journal of Church and State 52 no.1 (2010): 3-33. ERIC Y. LIU, Beyond the West: Religiosity and the Sense of Mastery in Modern Taiwan, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 48, No. 4 (2009), pp. 774-788 Comparative Perspectives Regina Paz, Félix Neto, and Etienne Mullet, Forgivingness: Similarities and Differences between Buddhists and Christians Living in China, THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION, 77(4), 289-301. Peter Van der veer, Smash temples and burn books India and China, The World Religious Culture, no.1 (2012): 17-25. Rensselaer W. Lee, General Aspects of Chinese Communist Religious Policy, with Soviet Comparisons, The China Quarterly Vol 19 (1964), pp 161 – 173. THOMAS DAVID DUBOIS, Hegemony Imperialism and the Construction of Religion in East and Southeast Asia, History and Theory, Theme Issue 44 (December 2005), 113-131. Peter Tze Ming Ng , GLOBALIZATION, NATIONALISM, AND CHRISTIAN HIGHER EDUCATION IN EAST ASIA , Christian Higher Education, 8(2009):54–67 Zhidong Hao, Shun Hing Chan, Wen-ban Kuo, Yik Fai Tam and Ming Jing,Catholicism and Its Civic Engagement: Case Studies of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, and Shanghai, Review of RELIGION and Chinese society 1 (2014): 48-77. Jiexia Elisa Zhai, Contrasting Trends of Religious Markets in Contemporary Mainland China and Taiwan, Journal of Church and State, vol. 52 no. 1, pp. 94–111. Fuk-tsang Ying, Hao Yuan and Siu-lun Lau,Striving to Build Civic Communities: Four Types of Protestant Churches in Beijing, Review of RELIGION and Chinese society 1 (2014) 78-103. Volume II Religion and Society Religious Landscape Zhe Ji, Chinese Buddhism as a Social Force, Chinese Sociological Review, 45:2 (2012), 8-26. Martin Slobodník, Destruction and revival: the fate of the Tibetan Buddhist monastery Labrang in the People's Republic of China , Religion, State and Society, 32:1 (2004),7-19. Yang Der-Ruey, New Agents and New Ethos of Daoism in China Today, Chinese Sociological Review, 45:2 (2012), 48-64. Kenneth Dean, Local Communal Religion in Contemporary South-east China, The China Quarterly 174 (2003), 338-58. E´Lisabeth Alle¤S , Leïla Che´rif-Chebbi & Constance-He´le¤ne Halfon, Chinese Islam: Unity and Fragmentation, Religion, State and Society, Vol. 31, No.1(2003), 7-35. JOSEPH TSE-HEI LEE, Christianity in Contemporary China: An Update, Journal of Church and State, Vol. 49, No. 2 (2007), pp. 277-304. Belief and Practices Richard Madsen, Secular Belief, Religious Belonging in China, review of religion and Chinese society 1 (2014) 13-28. Xinzhong Yao (2007) Religious Belief and Practice in Urban China 1995–2005, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 22:2, 169-185. Lizhu Fan, Evelyn Eaton Whitehead and James D. Whitehead, The Spiritual Search in Shenzhen Adopting and Adapting China's Common Spiritual Heritage, Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, Vol. 9, No. 2 (November 2005), pp. 50-61. Andrew Abel, Favor Fishing and Punch-Bowl Christians: Ritual and Conversion in a Chinese Protestant Church, Sociology of Religion, 67:2(2006) , pp.161-78. Julia K. Murray, "Idols" in the Temple: Icons and the Cult of Confucius, The Journal of Asian Studies, Volume 68, Issue 02 (2009), pp 371 – 411. Yuting Wang and Fenggang Yang, China Muslim Attitudes toward Business in the Emerging Market Economy of China, Social Compass, 58(2011): 554-73. Christopher Marsh and Zhifeng Zhong, Chinese Views on Church and State, Journal of Church and State vol. 52 no. 1, pages 34–49. Zhuo Chen, Ralph W. Hood, Jr, Lijun Yang andP. J. Watson, Mystical Experience Among Tibetan Buddhists, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. 50, no.2, (2011), pp.328–338. Ellen Oxfeld, "When You Drink Water, Think of Its Source": Morality, Status, and Reinvention in Rural Chinese Funerals, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 63, No. 4 (2004), pp. 961-990. Cultural Impact and Social Function JIEXIA ELISA ZHAI and ROBERT D. WOODBERRY, Religion and Educational Ideals in Contemporary Taiwan, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. 50, no.2, (2011), pp.307–327. Jie Zhang · Eric Y. Liu, Confucianism and Youth Suicide in Rural China, Review of Religious Research, 54(2012):93–111. Anning Hu, Gifts of Money and Gifts of Time: Folk Religion and Civic Involvement in a Chinese Society, Review of Religious Research, 56 (2014), pp.313–335. E. Zürcher, "Prince Moonlight". Messianism and Eschatology in Early Medieval Chinese Buddhism, T'oung Pao, Vol. 68, (1982), pp. 1-75. QunyongWANG and Xinyu LIN, Does religious beliefs affect economic growth? Evidence from provincial-level panel data in China, China Economic Review, Vol. 31, (2014) , pp. 277–287. DEDONG WEI and ERIC Y. LIU, Religious Involvement and Depression: Evidence for Curvilinear and Stress-Moderating Effects among Young Women in Rural China, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol52, no.2, (2013):349–367. Friederike Fleischer, For the Love of God: Finding Support in the Church-Community: a Case Study from China, Religion, State and Society, 39:4 (2011), pp. 443-459. Volume III Religion and Politics Religious Policy and Religious Legislation Pitman B. Potter, Belief in Control: Regulation of Religion in China, The China Quarterly 174 (2003), 317-37. Beatrice Leung, China's Religious Freedom Policy: The Art of Managing Religious Activity, The China Quarterly 184 (2005), pp 894-913. H. H. LAI, Religious Policies in Post-Totalitarian China: Maintaining Political Monopoly over a Reviving Society, Journal of Chinese Political Science, vol. 11, no. 1(2006), pp. 55-77. Fuk-Tsang Ying New wine in old wineskins: An appraisal of religious legislation in China and the regulations on religious affairs of 2005, Religion, State & Society, 34:4(2006), 347-373. James Tong, The devil is in the local: provincial religious legislation in China, 2005–2012, Religion, State and Society, 42:1 (2014), 66-88. Fenggang Yang, The Red, Black, and Gray Markets of Religion in China, The Sociological Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 1 (2006), pp. 93-122. The State and Five Religions Yoshiko Ashiwa and David L. Wank, The Politics of a Reviving Buddhist Temple: State, Association, and Religion in Southeast China, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 65, No. 2 (2006), pp. 337-359. Nanlai Cao, Christian Entrepreneurs and the Post-Mao State: An Ethnographic Account of Church-State Relations in China’s Economic Transition, Sociology of Religion, 68: 1(2007) 45-66 William T. Liu and Beatrice Leung, Organizational Revivalism Explaining Metamorphosis of China's Catholic Church, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Vol. 41, No. 1 (2002), pp. 121-138. David C. Schak, Protestantism in China: A Dilemma for the Party-State, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 40, 2 (2011), 71-106. André Laliberté, The growth of a Taiwanese Buddhist association in China: Soft power and institutional learning, China Information27(2013): 81-105. Dru C. Gladney, Islam in China: Accommodation or Separatism? The China Quarterly 174 (2003), 451-67. Shuk-Wah Poon, Religion, Modernity, and Urban Space: The City God Temple in Republican Guangzhou, Modern China, Vol. 34, No. 2 (2008), pp. 247-275. The State, Cults and Sectarian Religions Jiping Zuo, Political Religion The Case of the Cultural Revolution in China, Sociological Analysis, Vol. 52, No. 1 (1991), pp. 99-110. Merle Goldman, China's Anti-Confucian Campaign, 1973–74, The China Quarterly 63 (1975), pp 435 – 462. Robert P. Weller, Sectarian Religion and Political Action in China, Modern China, Vol. 8, No. 4 (1982), pp. 463-483 Fang-Long Shih, Generating power in Taiwan: Nuclear, political and religious power, Culture and Religion: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 13:3(2012), 295-313. Beatrice Leung, China and Falun Gong: Party and society relations in the modern era, Journal of Contemporary China, 11:33 (2002), 761-784, The Center and the Periphery Beatrice Leung, Church‐state relations in the decolonization period: Hong Kong and Macau, Religion, State and Society, 26:1 (1998), 17-30. Lap-Yan Kung, National identity and ethno-religious identity: A critical inquiry into Chinese religious policy, with reference to the Uighurs in Xinjiang, Religion, State and Society, 34:4(2006), 375-391. CHENG-TIAN Kuo, State-Religion Relations in Taiwan: From Statism and Separatism to Checks and Balances, Issues & Studies 49, no. 1 (2013): 1-38. AndréLaliberté,The Regulation of Religious Affairs in Taiwan: From State Control to Laisser-faire? Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 38, 2, 53-83. Enze Han and Christopher Paik, Dynamics of Political Resistance in Tibet: Religious Repression and Controversies of Demographic Change, The China Quarterly, Vol. 217, (2014), pp 69 – 98. Volume IV Sectarian, Popular and New religions Sectarian Religions Richard Shek, The Huangtian Dao in North China, Modern China, v8,n3, (1982),305-336 Stevan Harrell and Elizabeth J. Perry, Syncretic Sects in Chinese Society: An Introduction, Modern China, Vol. 8, No. 3 (1982), pp. 283-303. Thomas David DuBois, The Salvation of Religion? Public Charity and the New Religions of the Early Republic, Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore(民俗曲藝) 172 (2011.6): 73–126. David A. Palmer, Chinese Redemptive Societies and Salvationist Religion: Historical Phenomenon or Sociological Category? Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore(民俗曲藝), 172 (2011.6):21-72. DAVID OWNBY, Imperial Fantasies: The Chinese Communists and Peasant Rebellions, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Volume 43, Issue 01(2001), pp 65-91. Popular Religion/ Folk Religion Fenggang Yang and Anning Hu, Mapping Chinese Folk Religion in Mainland China and Taiwan, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (2012) 51(3):505–521. Catherine Bell, Religion and Chinese Culture: Toward an Assessment of "Popular Religion", History of Religions, Vol. 29, No. 1 (1989), pp. 35-57. Xudong Zhao and Duran Bell, Miaohui, the Temples Meeting Festival in North China, China Information 21(2007): 457-79. Selina Ching Chan and Graeme Lang, Temple Construction and the Revival of Popular Religion in Jinhua, China Information 21(2007): 43-69. Ya-ning Kao, Religious Revival among the Zhuang People in China: Practising "Superstition" and Standardizing a Zhuang Religion, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 43, 2 (2014), 107–144. Philip Clart, Confucius and the Mediums: Is There a "Popular Confucianism"? T'oung Pao, Vol. 89, Fasc. 1/3 (2003), pp. 1-38. Paul R. Katz, "Orthopraxy and Heteropraxy beyond the State: Standardizing Rituals in Chinese Society," Modern China 33:1 (2007): 72-90. Elana Chipman, The De-territorialization of Ritual Spheres in Contemporary Taiwan, Asian Anthropology, 8:1 (2009), 31-64. Chang Hsun, Between religion and State: the Dajia pilgrimage in Taiwan, Social Compass, Vol. 59 (2012), 298-310. New Religions Kristin Kupfer, Christian-Inspired Groups in the People's Republic of China After 1978:Reaction of State and Party Authorities, Social Compass 51(2004): 273-86. Cheris Shun-Ching Chan, The Sacred-Secular Dialectics of the Reenchanted Religious Order - The Lingsu Exo-Esoterics in Hong Kong, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 15:1(2000), 45-6. David A. Palmer, Embodying Utopia: Charisma in the post-Mao Qigong Craze, Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, Vol. 12, No. 2(2008), pp. 69-89. Jian Xu, Body, Discourse, and the Cultural Politics of Contemporary Chinese Qigong, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 58, No. 4 (1999), pp. 961-991. James Tong, An Organizational Analysis of the Falun Gong: Structure, Communications, Financing, The China Quarterly, Volume 171(2002), pp 636 – 660.
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Xinzhong Yao is Emeritus Professor, Lau China Institute, Kings College London.Â