"<em>What Your Food Ate</em> is stunningly good. It turns out that the organic pioneers had it right. Eat whole foods grown in healthy soil. In the most accessible way, this book gives a riveting exposé on why that is true."
- Dave Chapman, co-founder of the Real Organic Project,
"Sure to become a classic—a biological Rosetta Stone that intimately and elegantly shows how the health of soil, plants, animals, and human beings are inseparable.… An exquisitely crafted narrative of ecological literacy that upends more than a century of conventional thinking."
- Paul Hawken, author of Regeneration,
"David R. Montgomery and Anne Biklé are fast becoming rock stars in the emergent fields of regenerative farming and natural health. <em>What Your Food Ate</em> is a brilliant tour de force and a must-read."
- Carolyn Steel, author of Hungry City,
"A must read for farmers, ranchers, eaters, and scientists. <em>What Your Food Ate</em> illuminates connections critical to each of us—and our planet."
- Gabe Brown, author of Dirt to Soil,