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Dr. Teboho Clement Mokhena obtained his Ph.D. in Polymer Science from the University of the Free State, South Africa. He is presently employed for MINTEK Advanced Materials Division as a principal research scientist. His work focuses on using waste products to create valuable nanostructured materials for cutting-edge applications. His areas of expertise include the synthesis of flame-resistant materials, energy storage, polymer (nano) composites, nanostructured materials, and wastewater remediation.
Prof. Mokgaotsa Jonas Mochane obtained his Ph.D. in Polymer Science from the University of Free State. Currently, he is a professor in the Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Engineering and Technology, Florida Science Campus, University of South Africa. His research interests include natural fiber-reinforced composites, polymer-reinforced nanoparticles for advanced applications and natural fiber hybrid polymer composites and flame retardancy of polymers.
Prof. Emmanuel Rotimi Sadiku obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, where he specialized in polymer physics (polymer processing and X-ray diffraction, thermal characteristics, rheology and microscopy of polymers). He recently retired as a research professor at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), Pretoria, RSA. This follows his several years of research exposures in different countries, following graduation: Italy (1½ years), Sweden (1 year), Germany (3 months), University of Stellenbosch, RSA (2 years), and Sasol Pty., a South African Chemical Company, RSA (1½ years).
Prof. Suprakas Sinha Ray is a chief researcher at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research with a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of Calcutta in 2001, manager of the Centre for Nanostructures and Advanced Materials, and director of the DSI-CSIR Nanotechnology Innovation Centre. He is also associated with the University of Johannesburg as a distinguished visiting professor of Chemical Sciences. His current research focuses on polymer-based advanced nanostructured materials and their applications.