Brown's book traces the worm project from its inception, as fascinating for the obsessive, almost nerd-like quality of the researchers as for the unravelling of the worm's wormliness. Guardian Brown-an award-winning religious affairs journalist and the author of The Darwin Wars (1999)-is at his best when telling the human story behind the scientific work. Telegraph [Brown] illustrates how the story of the worm stretches across the history of molecular biology and the understanding of biological development in animals, from worms to people. Science News What Brown does remarkably well in In the Beginning is to convey the passion, idealism, and cooperative spirit of the early worm workers. Science Magazine Brown should be commended for making what may seem to be obscure, esoteric science both accessible and exciting. -- Rachel A. Ankeny American Scientist In an era when scientific storytelling has become commonplace, this book stands out for its lesson on independent thought... Brown clearly relates the perseverance and vision of the first generation of worm scientists that led to these accomplishments. -- Catherine A. Wolkow and Mark P. Mattson Journal of Clinical Investigation [Brown's] experience in communicating science to the layman serves him well in this new account. Recommended... all levels. Choice