An outstanding collection of essays in which some of the world's leading thinkers subject the fundamental presuppositions of contemporary society to rigorous scrutiny. Essential reading for those who are searching for fresh perspectives on the current human predicament.
- Amitav Ghosh, author of <i>The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable</i>,
Our awareness of having entered the Anthropocene is still so recent that many of the issues, challenges, and dilemmas it poses are still underexplored. This admirable and inspiring book offers a number of converging guidelines that help us to see our predicament and to see it whole.
- Charles Taylor, author of <i>A Secular Age</i>,
It has been a genuine privilege and a pleasure to read this book. I learned a great deal from doing so and I fully expect that other readers will learn much as well. <i>Nature and Value</i> accomplishes something inestimably important by demonstrating how it is possible to juxtapose writings by scholars from a vast array of different disciplines and generate a conversation about climate change that is at once coherent and dynamic.
- Paul Apostolidis, London School of Economics and Political Science,