Preface xvii 1 Introduction: The Need for Sector Coupling and the Energy Transition Goals 1Marialaura Di Somma, Christina Papadimitriou, Giorgio Graditi, and Koen Kok 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Opportunities for Sector Coupling to Contribute to Decarbonization 4 1.3 European Energy Legislation and Initiatives Supporting Sector Coupling 10 1.4 Main Barriers to Implementation 12 1.5 The Integrated Local Energy Community Concept to Foster Sector Coupling at the Local Level Through End-Users Engagement 14 2 Current Status of Multi-carrier Energy Systems in Europe with Main Limitations and Shortcomings to the Optimal Use of Local Energy Resources 19Andrei Morch, Hanne Sæle, Jesús Fraile Ardanuy, Giuseppe Conti, Gabriele Comodi, and Mosè Rossi 2.1 Introduction 19 2.2 Methodology 19 2.3 The Scoping Study: Road Maps and the Overall Pan-European Priorities 20 2.4 Review of Sector Coupling Technologies for Integrated Local Energy Communities 30 2.5 Review of Limitations and Barriers for the Optimal Use of the Local Energy Resources 35 2.6 Conclusions and Lessons Learned 45 3 The Concept of Integrated Local Energy Communities: Key Features and Enabling Technologies 55Amedeo Buonanno, Martina Caliano, Gianfranco Chicco, Marialaura Di Somma, Giorgio Graditi, Valeria Palladino, Christina Papadimitriou, and Hanne Sæle 3.1 Introduction 55 3.2 Key Features of ILECs 56 3.3 Enabling Technologies 62 3.4 Summary of Main Barriers to the Use of Enabling Technologies in the ILEC 89 4 Actors, Business Models, and Key Issues for the Implementation of Integrated Local Energy Communities 99Martina Caliano, Alberto Borghetti, Amedeo Buonanno, Marialaura Di Somma, Salvatore Fabozzi, Giorgio Graditi, Carlo Alberto Nucci, Christina Papadimitriou, and Peter Richardson 4.1 Introduction 99 4.2 Actors' Roles and Interactions Within ILECs 101 4.3 Key Issues for the Implementation of ILECs 105 4.4 Business Models for ILECs 121 4.5 Conclusion and Lessons Learned on Barriers, Benefits, and Policy Implications for ILECs Implementation 130 5 Comprehensive Analysis and Future Outlook of Planning and Operation Approaches for Multicarrier Energy Systems Under the Integrated Local Energy Community Concept 139Christina Papadimitriou, Marialaura Di Somma, Dimitrios Tzelepis, Koen Kok, and Giorgio Graditi 5.1 Introduction 139 5.2 Optimal Planning of Multicarrier Energy Systems 141 5.3 Operational Planning of Multicarrier Energy Systems for Day-Ahead Optimization and Decision-Making Under Uncertainties 147 5.4 Optimal Operation of Multicarrier Energy Systems in Real Time Under Multiobjective Approaches Considering Demand-Response Programs and Market Interaction 152 5.5 Data Architectures, Control Technologies, and the Scaling of Energy Systems 156 5.6 Holistic Approach in Planning and Operating an ILEC 166 5.7 Conclusion 172 6 Analytical Framework for Coordinated Planning and Operation of Multicarrier Energy Systems 187Marialaura Di Somma, Christina Papadimitriou, Anastasios Oulis Rousis, Angelos Patsidis, Miadreza Shafie-Khah, Vahid Shahbazbegian, and Magnus Askeland 6.1 Introduction 187 6.2 Modeling of Energy Technologies in MCES 191 6.3 The Optimal Design Problem for MCES 196 6.4 Optimal Day-Ahead Scheduling of MCES Under Uncertainties and by Considering DR Programs 200 6.5 Optimal Real-Time Operation of MCES 209 6.6 Analysis of Commercial Tools for the Optimal Design and Operation of MCES 215 6.7 Conclusions and Lessons Learned 220 7 Integrated Flexibility Solutions for Effective CongestionManagement in Distribution Grids 225Bart van der Holst, Gijs Verhoeven, Milad Kazemi, Christina Papadimitriou, Marialaura Di Somma, and Koen Kok 7.1 Introduction 225 7.2 Congestion Management in Distribution Systems 226 7.3 Integrated Flexibility in ILECs 234 7.4 Instruments for Flexibility Activation for Congestion Management 247 7.5 Challenges and Outlook 254 8 Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Approaches: Maximizing the Active Participation of the Prosumers in the Multi-carrier Energy Communities 265Andrés F. Cortés-Borray, Amaia González-Garrido, Ander Z. Gómez, Joseba J. Huarte, and Nerea R. Carames 8.1 Introduction 265 8.2 Background and P2P Concept 266 8.3 P2P Methods and Logical Architecture 270 8.4 Literature Review 276 8.5 P2P Approach in the eNeuron Project 288 8.6 Conclusion 291 9 Integration of Multiple Energy Communities: Transaction Prices, Reactive Power Control, and Ancillary Services 299Alberto Borghetti, Tohid Harighi, Carlo Alberto Nucci, Giorgio Graditi, Marialaura Di Somma, and Martina Caliano 9.1 Introduction 299 9.2 Multiple Energy Communities 300 9.3 Provision of Reactive Power Compensation Services 307 9.4 Electromobility Integration 315 9.5 Conclusion and Key Learnings 317 10 Validation of Energy Hub Solutions Through Simulation and Testing in a Lab Environment and Real World 323Gabriele Comodi, Mosè Rossi, Alessandro Romagnoli, Alessio Tafone, and Andreas Tuerk 10.1 Introduction 323 10.2 Energy Hub and Micro Energy Hub Architecture 324 10.3 EH and mEH Validation Through Simulation and Testing in Lab Environment 329 10.4 EH and mEH Validation Through Simulation and Testing in RealWorld 339 10.5 EH and mEH: An Architecture for Renewable Energy Communities 343 10.6 Conclusions and Lessons Learned 347 11 Energy Communities as an Alternative Way of Organizing the Energy System in Europe: Key Societal Aspects 353Anna J. Wieczorek, Natascha van Bommel, Amira El-Feiaz, Nikki Kluskens, Irene Niet, Luc van Summeren, Johanna Höffken, Floor Alkemade, Laura van den Berghe, Claudia Meloni, Giorgio Graditi, and Marialaura Di Somma 11.1 Introduction 353 11.2 A Sociotechnical Approach 354 11.3 Changing Energy System 356 11.4 Energy Communities as New Actors 358 11.5 Technology Facilitating or Hindering Energy Communities? 363 11.6 Regulations and Markets as Key Institutional Structures 367 11.7 How It Looks in Practice 370 11.8 Conclusions 374 12 Guidelines and Recommendations for Optimal Implementation of Integrated Local Energy Communities 389Leonard E.R. Perez, Bernadette Fina, Branislav Iglár, Carolin Monsberger, Klara Maggauer, Natália de A.B. Weber, Georgios Yiasoumas, George Georghiou, José Villar, João Mello, and Rad Stanev 12.1 Introduction 389 12.2 Main Challenges of Integrated Local Energy Communities Implementation at the European Level 390 12.3 Guidelines and Recommendations for Optimal Implementation of ILECs 391 12.4 Conclusion 409 Acknowledgment 410 List of Abbreviations 410 References 411 13 Conclusions and Key Findings on the Integrated Local Energy Community Concepts and Related Applications 415Marialaura Di Somma, Christina Papadimitriou, Giorgio Graditi, and Koen Kok List of Abbreviations 423 Index 425
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