'Essential reading for anyone wanting to move beyond critiques of economic globalisation to coherent and credible alternatives'
- Dame Anita Roddick DBE,
'We stand at a crucial point in history. One future leads to spiraling inequality, insecurity and environmental decline - another road heads toward sustainability. Most of our elected representatives know only one way ahead - the way of corporate globalisation. So here is the exception, not more anti-globalisation or pro-globalisation, but a genuine alternative that promotes policies for people and the planet. If more politicians thought like this, we would live in a far better world'
- Tony Juniper, Executive Director, Friends of the Earth (UK),
'Policy makers are trying to make failed economic theory work, like farmers trying to milk a dead cow. Caroline Lucas and Mike Woodin know its time to move on and try something different. Here is proof that there are alternatives'
- Andrew Simms, Policy Director, New Economics Foundation,