Micronutrient research has been an important component of the soil fertility and plant nutrition program in Pakistan since the identification of zinc deficiency in rice in 1969. Since then, considerable progress has been made on diagnosis and management of micronutrient nutrition problems in crops. However, now there is growing R&D evidence that micronutrient malnutrition in humans could be addressed through enriching staple food grains with micronutrients. This book presents the latest R&D information on micronutrient problems in crop plants/cropping systems and their corrective measures. The current status, the constraints, and economic benefits of using micronutrient fertilizers for optimizing crop productivity and soil resource sustainability are discussed along with estimating future potential requirement of micronutrient fertilizers to optimize crop productivity, produce quality, and soil resource sustainability. Wide-scale preventable micronutrient deficiencies in human populations originate from micronutrient-deficient soils over which staple cereals and other food crops are grown. This book summarizes R&D information on fertilizer use-based micronutrient biofortification in staple food grains to address "hidden hunger" in human populations. The book also presents the best management practices by which micronutrient deficiencies could be corrected in crop plants in a farmer-friendly manner. Features Reviews the micronutrients R&D carried out in Pakistan over the past five decades Focuses on soil–plant analysis techniques for effective prognosis and diagnosis of micronutrient disorders Presents spatial variability maps of micronutrient deficiencies in agricultural soils and crops Provides value–cost ratios of using micronutrient fertilizers for major crops Works out current use level of micronutrient fertilizers and their potential future requirements in the country Discusses agronomic biofortification approach for enriching crop-based food with micronutrients to address "hidden hunger" Presents a compelling case for enhanced use of the deficient micronutrient fertilizers to optimize crop productivity, farmer income, and national economy Presents micronutrient fertilizer use recommendations for salient crops and discusses fertilizer use for micronutrients in the context of 4R nutrient stewardship Recommends future R&D needed for optimizing micronutrient nutrition of crops
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Micronutrient research has been an important component of soil fertility and plant nutrition program in Pakistan since the identification of zinc deficiency in rice in 1969. Since then, considerable progress has been made on various aspects of micronutrient nutrition problems and their management.
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Micronutrients and Their Deficiencies. Prognosis and Diagnosis of Micronutrient Deficiencies. Quality Issues with Micronutrient Research Data. Micronutrient R&D in Pakistan: Historical Perspective and Current Status. Micronutrient Status of Soils and Crops in Pakistan. Crop Yield Increases with Micronutrient Fertilization and its Economics. Micronutrient Fertilizer Sources, Availability and Quality in Pakistan. Micronutrient Fertilizer Use Efficiency, Residual Effect and Soil Balances. Micronutrient Fertilizer Use in Pakistan. Strategies for Improving Micronutrient Management. Deficiencies-Linked Micronutrient Malnutrition. Some Misconceptions About Micronutrients. Micronutrient Research and Development Needs. Managing Micronutrient Deficiencies in the Context of 4R Nutrient Stewardship. Recommendations.
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CRC Press
453 gr
229 mm
152 mm
P, 06
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Abdul Rashid, Munir Zia, Waqar Ahmad