From the reviews:
"The book focuses on two classes of discrete-time dynamical systems, namely constrained linear systems and linear hybrid systems. … All the main results presented in the book are contributed originally by the author and his collaborators. The style of the book is clear and concise with many illustrative examples. … the book provides a valuable resource for researchers from both academia and industry. The book is also of interest to the operations research community … ." (Hai Lin, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 50 (7), 2005)
"The book introduces a control design for constrained and switching dynamic systems. … The book is a revised version of the author’s PhD thesis. It presents a self-contained and clearly written text. The book is an up-to-date reference which will be useful to professionals, researchers, practitioners, and graduate students in control, electrical, and mechanical engineering interested in control design problems for constrained and switching dynamic systems." (Lubomír Bakule, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1030, 2005)
"This book … presents a computational approach for optimal and model predictive control of linear and piecewise affine discrete-time systems with (linear) constraints on inputs and states. … This book gives an excellent and extensive introduction and overview of the use of linear, quadratic, and mixed-integer multi-parametric programming for optimal and model predictive control of constrained systems. Furthermore, all the concepts and algorithms are illustrated with many examples and figures. As such, this book is recommended literature for both students and researchers … ." (Bart De Schutter, Mathematical Reviews, Issue 2005 i)