<p>From the reviews:</p><p></p><p>"Compact Riemann Surfaces: An Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics starts off with a wonderful Preface containing a good deal of history, as well as Jost’s explicit dictum that there are three foci around which the whole subject revolves … . Jost’s presentation is quite accessible, modulo a lot of diligence on the part of the reader. It’s a very good and useful book, very well-written and thorough." (Michael Berg, MathDL, April, 2007)</p><p>From the reviews of the third edition:</p><p>“Geometrical facts about Riemann surfaces are as ‘nice’ as possible, and they often provide the intuition and motivation for generalizations to other curves, manifolds or varieties. The Riemann–Roch theorem … is a prime example of this influence. This book is amazing, very well written, accessible and works as a first course on Riemannian Surfaces I recommend to the all readers interested in Geometry and Riemannian Geometry.” (Philosophy, Religion and Science Book Reviews, bookinspections.wordpress.com, July, 2013)</p>