1 Introduction to Water Pollution 1Hira Munir, Areeba Kashaf, Mahnoor Masood, Rabia Sajid, Hira Amjad, Tahreem Shehzadi and Jawayria Najeeb 1.1 Pollution 2 1.2 What is Water Pollution? 2 1.3 Prevalence of Water Pollution 4 1.4 Categories of Water Pollution 4 1.5 Water Pollutants 7 1.6 Kinds of Water Pollution 11 1.7 Determination of Water Quality Parameters 13 1.8 Sources of Water Pollution 15 1.9 Effects of Water Pollution on Humans and Animals 17 1.10 Prevention of Water Pollution 19 1.11 Control and Prevention of Water Pollution by Biotechnology 22 1.12 Conclusion 23 2 Impact of Water Pollution & Perspective Techniques to Mitigate It: An Overview 29Ambika Sudan, Arpita Ghosh, Mehak Verma and Pushpachaudhary Tomar 2.1 Introduction 30 2.2 Causes of Water Pollution 33 2.3 Effects of Water Pollution on Plant Growth 35 2.4 Techniques of Treating Water Pollution 37 2.5 Removal of Pollutants Through Different Nanomaterial 48 2.6 Discussion and Conclusion 56 3 Pollution of Ground and Surface Waters with Agrochemicals 65Aloo B. N. 3.1 Introduction 65 3.2 A Recounting of the Global Production and Consumption of Agrochemicals 67 3.3 Characteristics of Agrochemicals 70 3.4 Occurrences and Levels of Pollution 70 3.5 Fates of Agrochemicals in Ground and Surface Waters 81 3.6 Emerging Views and Perspectives 85 3.7 Concluding Remarks 86 4 Fecal Waste Drives Antimicrobial Resistance: Source Tracking, Wastewater Discriminant Analysis and Management 97Eliezer Ladeia Gomes, Giovanna Velicka Monteiro Vallio, Laura Plazas Tovar, Lucas Bragança de Oliveira, Luiz Sidney Longo Junior, Sarah Isabel Pinto Monteiro do Nascimento Alves, Vinícius Matheus Silva Macedo and Romilda Fernandez-Felisbino 4.1 Introduction 98 4.2 Antibiotics/ARB/ARGs: Source Tracking 101 4.3 Fecal Pollution and the Public Health Risks 104 4.4 Fecal Indicator Bacteria and Discriminant Analysis 108 4.5 Management Strategies to Combat Antibiotic Resistance 109 4.6 Conclusion 112 5 Harmful Effects of Water Pollution 123C. Justin Dhanaraj 5.1 Introduction 123 5.2 Physical Factors 124 5.3 Chemical Factors 126 5.4 Biological Factors 140 5.5 Conclusion 146 6 Parasites: Sources, Method of Analysis and Treatment 149Gopikrishnan, T. 6.1 Introduction 149 6.2 Method of Analysis 152 6.3 Methods to Find Concentration of Parasites 154 6.4 Procedures for Enumeration of Parasites 157 6.5 Waterborne Protozoan Parasites 161 6.6 Protozoan Parasite Testing in Water 162 6.7 Waterborne Helminths 163 6.8 Water Treatment 166 6.9 Nanotechnology 170 6.10 Conclusions 174 7 Oils: Source, Method of Analysis and Treatment 181Hüseyin Kara, Mustafa Talha Gönüllü, Ismail Tarhan, Fatih Erci, Aslan Tas and Fatih Durmaz 7.1 Introduction 182 7.2 Oils Causing Pollution and Their Sources 184 7.3 Method of Analysis 194 7.4 Treatment 198 7.5 Conclusion 224 8 Phosphate: Sources, Method of Analysis and Treatment 235S. Sathiyamurthi, S. Nalini and M. Sivasakthi 8.1 Introduction 235 8.2 Sources of Phosphate Pollution in Water 236 8.3 Method of Analysis 237 8.4 Phosphate Removal Treatment 239 8.5 Conclusion 264 9 Endocrine Disruptors: Sources, Method of Analysis and Treatment 281María-José Luján-Facundo, Eva Ferrer-Polonio, María-Amparo Bes Piá and J.A. Mendoza-Roca 9.1 Introduction 282 9.2 Parabens: Sources, Method of Analysis and Treatment 287 9.3 Alkylphenol Ethoxylates: Sources, Method of Analysis and Treatment 295 9.4 Bisphenols: Sources, Method of Analysis and Treatment 301 9.5 Phthalates: Sources, Method of Analysis and Treatment 309 9.6 Conclusions 315 10 Water Pollution by Heavy Metals and Their Impact on Human Health 333Biplab Roy, Biswanath Bhunia, Tarun Kanti Bandyopadhyay, Shamim Ahmed Khan, Nishithendu Bikash Nandi and Pinku Chandra Nath 10.1 Introduction 334 10.2 Sources of Heavy Metals 335 10.3 Heavy Metals in Water and Their Toxic Effect on Human Health 337 10.4 Different Water Treatment Techniques for Removal of Heavy Metal from Polluted Water 343 10.5 Conclusion 348 11 Dyes: Sources, Method of Analysis and Treatment 353K. Ravichandran, N. Chidhambaram, M. Ayyanar, P. Kavitha, Arun Thirumurugan, S. Sriram and R. Shalini 11.1 Introduction 354 11.2 Classification of Dyes 355 11.3 Analysis of Dye Pollution 355 11.4 Treatments for Removing Dye Pollution from Water 357 11.5 Conclusions 366 12 Pharmaceutical Pollution of Water Bodies: Sources, Impacts, and Mitigation 371Suby Mon Benny, Sriparna Datta Gupta, Shahi P. Ismail and Dileep Francis 12.1 Introduction 372 12.2 Pharmaceutical Pollution: The Global Scenario 374 12.3 Sources of Pharmaceutical Pollution 382 12.4 Factors Affecting Pharmaceutical Pollution 388 12.5 Impacts of Pharmaceutical Pollution 390 12.6 Mitigation and Surveillance 398 12.7 Conclusions and Perspectives 405 13 Instrumental Testing of Quality of Water 417Amita Chaudhary and Ankur Dwivedi 13.1 Introduction 417 13.2 Conclusion 437 14 Catalytic Membranes for Water Pollution 441J.E. Castanheiro, P.A. Mourão, I. Cansado and M.E. Lopes 14.1 Introduction 441 14.2 Configuration of Reactors 442 14.3 Membrane Reactor for Water Treatment 445 14.4 Conclusions 448 15 LDH-Based Materials for Photocatalytic Dye Degradation 453Priyadharshini M., Bhuvaneswari K., Palanisamy G. and Pazhanivel T. 15.1 Introduction 453 15.2 Dye Degradation 455 15.3 Factors Affecting Efficient Degradation 457 15.4 Layered Double Hydroxide Materials (LDH) 459 15.5 Polyoxometalates Metal-Based LDH Composite 459 15.6 Carbon-Based LDH Composite 461 15.7 Semiconductor-Based LDH Composite 462 15.8 Conclusion and Future Perspectives 465 16 Biomineralization as a Strategy for the Bioremediation of Toxic Metals--Contaminated Water 471Charles Rashama, Munashe Maposa, Knowledge Nyenyayi and Marko Chigondo 16.1 Introduction 472 16.2 Minerals Commonly Found in Water and their Effects 473 16.3 Justification for Toxic Metal Detoxification 474 16.4 Water-Based Metal Detoxification through Biomineralisation 475 16.5 Concluding Remarks and Future Outlook 486 17 Phytoremediation of Radioactive Pollutants 491Siratun Montaha. S. Shaikh, Puspita Barik, Smita S. Aditya, M. T. Jowin Joseph, M. Suresh Kumar and P. V. Nidheesh 17.1 Introduction 492 17.2 Advancement in Methodologies for Phytoremediation of Radionuclides: From Conventional to Novel Approaches 493 17.3 Preliminary Assessment of the Contaminated Site for Phytoremediation 501 17.4 Screening of Plants for Effective Uptake of Radionuclides 502 17.5 Augmentation for Radionuclide Bioavailability 506 17.6 Post-Phytoremediation Management of Radionuclides 508 17.6.1 Pre-Treatment of Biomass 508 17.6.2 Final Disposal Methods 510 17.7 Conclusion 512 Acknowledgment 513 References 513 Index 523
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