Contents: Foreword; Preface. Part I A Bottom-up Perspective on Territorial Policy Initiatives Under the European Union: introduction, Carla Tedesco; Government and governance in the European Union: local experiences of European urban policy, Maria Tofarides; From urban regeneration to neighbourhood management: local policy change in Berlin and the role of the EU (1990-2004), Simon Güntner and Charlotte Halpern; Localizing multi-level space in urban cultural politics: the reconstruction of the Museumquartier Wien and the Schlossplatz in Berlin, Monika de Frantz; Territorial changes in the Lisbon metropolitan area: from the capital of an isolated country to a European partner city, Paulo Silva; The construction of local development in rural disadvantaged areas: framing the LEADER II programme in south Kerry, Ireland, Elisa Pozzoli; Territorial action and EU regional policy in the Italian Mezzogiorno: hybridizing 'European' frames in local contexts, Carla Tedesco. Part II 'Europeanization': Looking Through Processes of Institutional Change: Introduction, Valeria Fedeli; Politicizing territorial governance: embedding the 'political economy of scale' in European spatial policy, Enrico Gualini; The constituting power of spatial planning in European integration, Willem W. Buunk; Transnational approaches in an enlarged Europe: presenting an INTERREG II C project as product of an emerging epistemic community ' European spatial development', Karina M Pallagst; Europeanization of regional policies and conflicts over power and information: the case of the French region of Nord-Pas de Calais, Eloïse Stéclebout-Orseau; The difficult construction of the European Union: a field of institutional imagination for the problems of (local) public ?, Valeria Fedeli. Part III Framing Space and Development in EU Policy : Discourses and Visions: Introduction, Luigi Doria; Discursive European integration: the case of Nordic spatial planning, Kai Böhme; Managing the unmanageable resource: multiple utility and quality in the EU policy discourses on local identity, Luigi Doria; Cohesion, polycentricity, missing links and bottlenecks: conflicting spatial storylines for Pan-European transport investments, Dieke Peters; Spatial visions, concepts and metaphors: their essential role in European spatial development and policy discourse, Gabriele Tatzberger; Reading the hologram: concluding remarks, Luigi Doria, Valeria Fedeli and Carla Tedesco; Index.
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