"Just as new technologies have profoundly affected both research possibilities and the knowledge base of other disciplines, such as biology, physics, or medicine, so too are the revolutionary new geographic technologies developed during the past decades extending frontiers in geographic research, education, and applications." <br /><em>(Douglas Richardson, Executive Director, Association of American Geographers)<br /></em>"Geography and technology are not just related; each fundamentally defines the other. How we understand and use the earth is conditioned by technology, even as technology itself has developed as part of the effort to remake places and alter the meaning of geographical distance. In light of the scope of technological change in today's world, this book's focus on the geography-technology nexus is vital. It represents a research agenda of signal importance as the twenty-first century opens." <br /><em>(Alexander B. Murphy, President, Association of American Geographers)<br /></em>"Geographical questions about nature-society relations, climate change, processes of economic and political globalization, the shifting grounds of health, conflict and democratization across the globe, all entail critical analysis of technological change. This book reflects on the ways in which geographical and technological processes are mutually produced, as part of a vital research agenda for the coming century." <br /><em>(Victoria A. Lawson, Vice President, Association of American Geographers)</em>