<strong>`</strong>Throughout the past four decades of solar system exploration, volcanologists have argued that looking at other worlds could reveal secrets about how volcanoes work on earth. This handsomely illustrated book is the first to fully realize that promise. By combining volcanic observations from all of NASA's missions with field studies of `exotic' terrestrial lavas, Zimbelman and Gregg provide a comprehensive overview of how volcanoes' environments affect their behavior and vice versa. A stellar cast of contributors make this a must-read book for all students and fans of volcanoes.<strong>'</strong> <br /> <strong>Jonathan Fink, Arizona State University</strong> <br /> <strong>`</strong> ... an extraordinary resource for students of terrestrial and planetary volcanic processes. The involvement of volcanologists studying features and processes from such widely disparate environments is unprecedented. This book represents a timely contribution that will be useful for students and researchers at all levels of expertise with applicability to volcanic processes throughout the solar system.<strong>'</strong> <br /> <strong>John Sinton, SOEST, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii</strong> <br />