“Barbara Hand Clow is the preeminent ambassador and decoder for the burgeoning spiritual awakening of our era. Long before the popularization of dimensional reality, the convergence of Mayan and Toltec calendars, and the emergence of our enlivening minds and bodies on Earth, her writing, research, and psychic transmissions lit our way. <i>Alchemy of Nine Dimensions</i> remains the touchstone for describing our cosmic unfolding as a species under the new light and frequencies activating our realm and experience. One can’t get any closer to a complete work on the most important topics for our time. Read or re-read this awe-inspiring work by a true, unparalleled visionary teacher! Someone I count as a mentor and friend.”
Joshua Reichmann, author of The Realized Light of the Twelve Dimensions
“If you are a traveler from ancient times or a starseed looking for guidance on navigating the human experience while awakening your cosmic consciousness, <i>Alchemy of Nine Dimensions</i> is the ultimate guide on how to orient yourself on Earth while living simultaneously in nine dimensions and creating a fulfilling life. Barbara Hand Clow has done a fantastic job of explaining the spiritual Pleiadian download, which is scientifically supported by research and validates the knowledge of channelers worldwide. Gerry Clow’s meditations turn knowledge into a practical experience, encouraging us to embark on a journey of multidimensional consciousness. This book is timeless.”
Eva Marquez, author of Activate Your Cosmic DNA
“Barbara Hand Clow takes us on an incredible journey with the helping hand of her Cherokee grandfather to reclaim the ancient ways of our ancestors in becoming one with our nine levels of consciousness. When we allow the canopy of light to flow through us, polarities resolve and dualities dissolve. These deep levels of consciousness have been taken from us by the elite power mongers who have used and abused the Earth to their advantage. In proceeding into the Aquarian Age, Barbara’s lifesaving and beautiful journey brings us the healing to again experience this consciousness, a wondrous journey.”
Nicholas E. Brink, Ph.D., author of Ecstatic Soul Retrieval
“Barbara Hand Clow . . . one of the trend-setting and most important authors of the current spiritual renaissance.”
Matthew Wood, author of A Shamanic Herbal
“Barbara has a message that matters tremendously to every single person on this earth. It is about nothing less than achieving relationship with a brilliant and spiritually potent presence that has been offering itself to us for many years. This exquisite and powerful book makes that process understandable, joyous, and—above all—possible.”
Whitley Strieber, author of Communion
“Once again Barbara brings her insights of other levels of reality, allowing us to build a wider picture of worlds that lie a breath away from our own physical reality. Such understandings can only improve our sense of seeing, our relationship within the greater scheme of things, and ultimately, a finer understanding of our Self.”
Freddy Silva, author of The Lost Art of Resurrection
“Weaving science, mysticism, and higher dimensional guidance into a skillful tapestry examining humanity’s past, present, (and possible future), Barbara guides us to a needed multidimensional viewpoint of the rapidly changing world in which we find ourselves.”
Richard Gerber, M.D., author of Vibrational Medicine