Published by Sinauer Associates, an imprint of Oxford University Press.
Vertebrate Life, 10th Edition blends information about anatomy, physiology, ecology, and behaviour to present vertebrates within an evolutionary context. Engaging and readable, the 10th edition features full color throughout with completely new photographs and line art. Important advances in vertebrate biology are highlighted, including the increasing influence of molecular phylogenies, insights provided by evo-devo, and our growing appreciation of the significance of developmental
plasticity and epigenetics. Taxon-specific conservation issues are discussed in each chapter that treats extant forms.
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Published by Sinauer Associates, an imprint of Oxford University Press.
Widely praised for its comprehensive coverage and exceptionally clear writing style, this best-selling text explores how the anatomy, physiology, ecology, and behaviour of animals interact to produce organisms that function effectively in their enviroments, and how lineages of organisms change through evolutionary time.
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Preface Chapter 1. Evolution, Diversity, and Classification of Vertebrates1.1. The Vertebrate Story Major extant groups of vertebrates Non-amniotes Amniotes 1.2. Classification of Vertebrates Binominal nomenclature Phylogenetic systematics Applying phylogenetic criteria Morphology-based and molecular-based phylogenies Using phylogenetic trees1.3. Crown and Stem Groups1.4. Genetic Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change Phenotypes and fitness Developmental regulatory genes Intragenerational versus transgenerational phenotypic modification1.5. Earth History and Vertebrate Evolution Chapter 2. What Is a Vertebrate?2.1. Vertebrates in Relation to Other Animals2.2. Characteristics of Chordates Chordate origin and evolution Extant nonvertebrate chordates2.3. What Distinguishes a Vertebrate? 2.4. Vertebrate Embryonic Development Development of the body Development of the pharyngeal region Development of the brain Unique developmental features of vertebrates2.5. Basic Vertebrate Structures Adult tissue types Mineralized tissues The skeletomuscular system2.6. Basic Vertebrate Systems The alimentary system The cardiovascular system The excretory and reproductive systems The sense organs Chapter 3. Jawless Vertebrates and the Origin of Jawed Vertebrates3.1. The Earliest Evidence of Vertebrates The origin of bone and other mineralized tissues The mysterious conodonts The environment of early vertebrate evolution3.2. Cyclostomes: The Extant Jawless Fishes Characters of cyclostomes Fossil cyclostomes Extant hagfishes: Myxiniformes Lampreys: Petromyzontiformes Cyclostomes and humans3.3. Ostracoderms: Extinct Jawless Fishes Characters of ostracoderms Ostracoderm evolutionary patterns 3.4. The Basic Gnathostome Body Plan Gnathostome biology What about soft tissues?3.5. The Origin of Jaws Early hypotheses of jaw origins The importance of the nose Developmental studies of extant vertebrates Transitional anatomy in fossils The selective value of jaws 3.6. The Origin of Paired Appendages The advantages of fins Fin development and the lateral somitic frontier Origin of the neck region 3.7. Extinct Paleozoic Jawed Fishes Placoderms: Armored fishes Acanthodians The surviving gnathostome groups Chapter 4. Living in Water4.1. The Aquatic Environment Obtaining oxygen from water: Gills Obtaining oxygen from air: Lungs and other respiratory structures Adjusting buoyancy4.2. Water and the Sensory World of Aquatic Vertebrates Vision Hearing Chemosensation: Taste and smell Detecting water displacement Electrical discharge Electroreception by sharks and rays 4.3. The Internal Environment of Vertebrates4.4. Exchange of Water and Ions Nitrogen excretion The vertebrate kidney Regulation of ions and body fluids4.5. Vertebrates in Different Environments Marine vertebrates Freshwater vertebrates: Teleosts and amphibians Euryhaline vertebrates Terrestrial vertebrates Chapter 5. Geography and Ecology of the Paleozoic Era5.1. Shifting Continents and Changing Climates5.2. Continental Geography of the Paleozoic5.3. Paleozoic Climates5.4. Paleozoic Ecosystems Aquatic life Terrestrial floral ecosystems Terrestrial faunal ecosystems5.5. Paleozoic Extinctions Chapter 6. Radiation and Diversification of Chondrichthyes6.1. Chondrichthyes: The Cartilaginous Fishes Distinctive characters of chondrichthyans6.2. Evolutionary Diversification of Chondrichthyes Paleozoic chondrichthyan radiations The Mesozoic chondrichthyan radiation Paleozoic and Mesozoic chondrichthyan paleobiology Chapter 7. Extant Chondrichthyans7.1. Morphology of Extant Chondrichthyans Skeleton Jaws Skin7.2. Sharks (Selachii) Sensory systems and prey detection Ecology of sharks Heterothermy Feeding Reproduction 7.3. Skates and Rays (Batoidea) Morphology Ecology Courtship and reproduction7.4. Chimaeras (Holocephali) 7.5. Declining Shark Populations: An Ecological Crisis Chapter 8. Radiation and Diversity of Osteichthyes8.1. The Origin of Bony Fishes Earliest osteichthyans and the major groups of bony fishes8.2. Evolution of Actinopterygii Basal actinopterygians Neopterygii Evolution of jaw protrusion Pharyngeal jaws Specializations of fins 8.3. Evolution of Sarcopterygii Actinistia Dipnoi Tetrapodomorpha Chapter 9. Extant Bony Fishes9.1. Actinopterygians: Ray-Finned Fishes Non-teleosts Teleosts9.2. Swimming Minimizing drag Steering, stopping, and staying in place9.3. Actinopterygian Reproduction Oviparity Viviparity9.4. The Sex Lives of Teleosts Protandry Protogyny Hermaphroditism All-female species 9.5. Teleosts in Different Environments Deep-sea fishes Coral reef fishes9.6. Heterothermal Fishes Warm muscles Hot eyes 9.7. Sarcopterygians:Lobe-Finned Fishes Actinistians: Coelacanths Dipnoans: Lungfishes 9.8. Pollution, Overfishing, and Fish Farming Freshwater fishes Marine fishes Chapter 10. Origin and Radiation of Tetrapods10.1. Tetrapod Origins Tetrapodomorph fishes Earliest tetrapods of the Late Devonian10.2. Moving onto Land Terrestrial and walking fishes today How are fins made into limbs? Body support and locomotion Lung ventilation and dermal bone 10.3. Radiation and Diversity of Non-Amniote Tetrapods10.4. Amniotes Derived features of amniotes The amniotic egg Patterns of amniote temporal fenestration Chapter 11. Extant Amphibians11.1. Diversity of Lissamphibians Salamanders Anurans Caecilians11.2. Life Histories of Amphibians Salamanders Anurans The ecology of tadpoles Caecilians11.3. Amphibian Metamorphosis11.4. Exchange of Water and Gases Cutaneous respiration Blood flow in larvae and adults Cutaneous permeability to water Behavioral control of evaporative water loss Uptake and storage of water11.5. Toxins, Venoms, and Other Defense Mechanisms Skin glands Toxicity and diet Venomous amphibians11.6. Why Are Amphibians Vanishing? Disease Synergisms Chapter 12. Living on Land12.1. Support and Locomotion on Land The skeleton The cranial skeleton The axial skeleton: Vertebrae and ribs Axial muscles The appendicular skeleton: limbs and limb girdles Size and scaling Locomotion 12.2. Eating on Land12.3. Breathing Air12.4. Pumping Blood Uphill12.5. Sensory Systems in Air Vision Hearing Olfaction Proprioception12.6. Conserving Water in a Dry Environment12.7. Controlling Body Temperature in a Changing Environment Ectothermy Endothermy Ectothermy, endothermy, and heterothermy Chapter 13. Geography and Ecology of the Mesozoic Era13.1. Continental Geography of the Mesozoic13.2. Mesozoic Climates13.3. Mesozoic Aquatic Life13.4. Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems The Triassic The Jurassic The Cretaceous13.5. Mesozoic Extinctions Chapter 14. Synapsids and Sauropsids14.1. The Conflict between Locomotion and Respiration Locomotion and lung ventilation of synapsids Locomotion and lung ventilation of sauropsids14.2. Limb-Powered Locomotion The basal amniote ankle joint The sauropsid ankle joint The synapsid ankle joint 14.3. Increasing Gas Exchange Synapsid lungs Sauropsid lungs The respiratory system of birds Why are synapsid and sauropsid lungs so different?14.4. Transporting Oxygen to the Muscles: The Heart14.5. The Evolution of Endothermy How did endothermy evolve? Evaluating the models When did endothermy evolve?14.6. Getting Rid of Wastes: The Kidneys Nitrogen excretion by synapsids: The mammalian kidney Nitrogen excretion by sauropsids: Renal and extrarenal routes14.7. Sensing and Making Sense of the World Vision Chemosensation: Gustation and olfaction Hearing Brains Chapter 15. Ectothermy: A Low-Energy Approach to Life15.1. Vertebrates and Their Environments15.2. Dealing with Dryness: Ectotherms in Deserts Desert tortoises The chuckwalla Desert amphibians15.3. Coping with Cold: Ectotherms in Subzero Conditions Frigid fishes Frozen frogs15.4. Energetics of Ectotherms and Endotherms Body size Body shape15.5. The Role of Ectotherms in Terrestrial Ecosystems Conversion efficiency Chapter 16. Turtles16.1. Everyone Recognizes a Turtle Shell and skeleton Families of extant turtles 28516.2. Turtle Structure and Function Lung ventilation The heart Patterns of circulation and respiration Body size and temperature regulation16.3. Reproductive Biology of Turtles Moisture and egg development Temperature-dependent sex determination Parental care Hatching and the behavior of baby turtles16.4. Social Behavior, Communication, and Courtship16.5. Navigation and Migrations Navigation by adult turtles Navigation by hatchling and juvenile sea turtles 16.6. The Fateful Life-History Characteristics of Turtles Chapter 17. Lepidosaurs17.1. Rhynchocephalians and the Biology of Tuatara17.2. Radiation of Squamates Lizards Snakes17.3. Foraging Modes Correlates of foraging mode 17.4. Skull Kinesis17.5. Feeding Specializations of Snakes Venom and fangs Hearts and stomachs 17.6. Predator Avoidance and Defense Crypsis "Eavesdropping" Deterrence Autotomy Venomous and poisonous snakes17.7. Social Behavior Territoriality Sociality 17.8. Reproductive Modes Sex determination Oviparity and viviparity Parthenogenesis Parental care17.9. Thermal Ecology Organismal performance and temperature17.10. Lepidosaurs and Climate Change Chapter 18. Crocodylians18.1. Diversity of Extant Crocodylians18.2. The Crocodylomorph Lineage Notosuchia Neosuchia18.3. Predatory Behavior and Diet of Extant Crocodylians18.4. Communication and Social Behavior18.5. Reproduction and Parental Care Temperature-dependent sex determination Parental care18.6. The Skin Trade Chapter 19. Mesozoic Diapsids: Dinosaurs and Others19.1. Characteristics of Diapsids19.2. Diversity of Mesozoic Diapsids19.3. Lepidosauromorphs: Marine Diapsids Terrestrial lepidosauromorphs Marine lepidosauromorphs19.4. Metriorhynchid Crocodylomorphs19.5. Pterosaurs: The First Flying Vertebrates The structure of pterosaurs Reproduction, eggs, and parental care Did the evolution of birds doom the pterosaurs?19.6. Triassic Faunal Turnover19.7. The Structure and Function of Dinosaurs Hips and legs Dinosaur lineages 19.8. Ornithischian Dinosaurs Thyreophora Marginocephalia Ornithopoda Social behavior of ornithischian dinosaurs Nesting and parental care by ornithischians 19.9. Herbivorous Saurischians The structure of sauropods Social behavior of sauropods Nesting and parental care by sauropods 19.10. Carnivorous Saurischians Tyrannosauroides Ornithomimisauria Maniraptora Social behavior of theropods Nesting and parental care by theropods19.11. Gigantothermy and the Body Temperature of Dinosaurs Chapter 20. Endothermy: A High-Energy Approach to Life20.1. Balancing Heat Production with Heat Loss Whole-body metabolism Shivering and non-shivering thermogenesis Insulation Evaporative cooling 20.2. Endotherms in the Cold Avoiding cold and sharing heat20.3. Facultative Hypothermia Seasonal hypothermia Rest-phase hypothermia Hibernation20.4. Endotherms in the Heat Temperature stress and scarcity of water Strategies for desert survival Avoidance Relaxation of homeostasis by hyperthermia Hypothermia in the desert Chapter 21. The Origin and Radiation of Birds21.1. Avian Characters in Nonavian Theropods Skeletal characters Feathers Reproduction and parental care Body size21.2. The Mosaic Evolution of Birds How-and why-birds got off the ground The appearance of powered avian flight 21.3. Early Birds21.4. The Mesozoic Radiations of Birds Chapter 22. Extant Birds22.1. The Structure of Birds: Specialization for Flight Feathers Streamlining and weight reduction Skeleton Muscles22.2. Wings and Flight Wing muscles Wing shape and flight characteristics22.3. Feet Hopping, walking, and running Climbing Swimming22.4. Feeding and Digestion Beaks, skulls, and tongues The digestive system22.5. Sensory Systems Vision Hearing Olfaction22.6. Social Behavior Plumage colors and patterns Vocalization, sonation, and visual displays22.7. Oviparity Egg biology Sex determination Maternal control of sex of offspring22.8. Monogamy: Social and Genetic22.9. Nests and Parental Care Incubation Parental care Brood parasitism22.10. Orientation and Navigation22.11. Migration Migratory movements Costs and benefits of migration22.12. Birds and Urbanization Success in the city Noise pollution Not so sexy in the city Chapter 23. Geography and Ecology of the Cenozoic Era23.1. Continental Geography of the Cenozoic23.2. Cenozoic Climates Paleogene and Neogene climates The Pleistocene ice ages23.3. Cenozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems23.4. Biogeography of Cenozoic Mammals The isolation of Australian mammals The isolation of mammals on other continents23.5. Cenozoic Extinctions Chapter 24. Synapsida and the Evolution of Mammals24.1. The Origin of Synapsids24.2. The Diversity of Non-Mammalian Synapsids Pelycosaurs: Basal non-mammalian synapsids Therapsids: More derived non-mammalian synapsids Therapsid diversity24.3. Evolutionary Trends in Synapsids Evolution of the diaphragm Evolution of a double occipital condyle Evolution of jaws and ears24.4. The First Mammals Metabolic and growth rates Skeletomuscular system Feeding and mastication Brain, senses, and behavior The integument: Epidermis and glands Lactation and suckling Food processing and swallowing Facial musculature Internal anatomy 24.5. Mesozoic Mammals Dual radiations of Mesozoic mammals Chapter 25. Extant Mammals25.1. Major Lineages of Mammals Multituberculates Monotremes Marsupials Placentals25.2. Differences between Therians and Non-Therians Craniodental features Postcranial skeletal features Gait and locomotion Hearing Vision Lactation Information from the genes Sex determination and sex chromosomes 25.3. Differences between Marsupials and Placentals25.4. Mammalian Reproduction Mammalian urogenital tracts Genitalia Reproductive mode of monotremes: Matrotrophic oviparity Reproductive mode of therians: Matrotrophic viviparity The earliest therian condition, and the discredited notion of placental superiority25.5. Specializations for Feeding: Teeth and Jaws Mammalian teeth Differences between carnivorous and herbivorous mammals Rodents: Specialized feeders25.6. Specializations for Locomotion Cursorial limb morphology Fossorial limb morphology25.7. The Evolution of Aquatic Mammals Morphological adaptations for life in water The evolution of cetaceans25.8. Trophy Hunting Endangering the endangered: The effect of perceived rarity The extinction vortex Chapter 26. Primate Evolution and the Emergence of Humans, by Sergi Lopez-Torres26.1. Primate Origins and Diversification Evolutionary trends and diversity in primates26.2. Origin and Evolution of Hominoidea Diversity and social behavior of extant apes Relationships within Hominoidea Diversity of fossil hominoids26.3. Origin and Evolution of Humans Early hominins Ecological and biogeographic aspects of early hominin evolution26.4. Derived Hominins: The Genus HomoHomo erectus and Homo ergaster The Dmanisi hominins Homo floresiensisHomo naledi Precursors of Homo sapiens The Neandertals The Denisovans Origins of modern humans What happened to the humans who were already there?26.5. Evolution of Human Characteristics Bipedalism Large brains Speech and language Loss of body hair and development of skin pigmentation Human technology and culture26.6 Why Is Homo sapiens the Only Surviving Hominin Species? Hybridization among species of Homo26.7 Humans and Other Vertebrates Humans as superpredators and environmental disruptors Megafaunal extinctions Is this the Anthropocene? Appendix Glossary Illustration Credits Index
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Each chapter includes discussion questions, and suggested answers to the questions are included in the online resources for InstructorsAbout a dozen literature citations useful for students are provided at the end of each chapterTaxon-specific conservation issues are discussed in each chapter that treats extant formsThe website includes chapter-by-chapter bibliographies listing all of the sources the authors consulted in preparing the 10th edition
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F. Harvey Pough is Professor Emeritus at Rochester Institute of Technology in the USA.Christine M. Janis is Professor Emerita at Brown University in the USA.
Each chapter includes discussion questions, and suggested answers to the questions are included in the online resources for InstructorsAbout a dozen literature citations useful for students are provided at the end of each chapterTaxon-specific conservation issues are discussed in each chapter that treats extant formsThe website includes chapter-by-chapter bibliographies listing all of the sources the authors consulted in preparing the 10th edition
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