Om bidragsyterne
Dr. Sonia M. Tiquia-Arashiro is a Professor of Microbiology at the University of Michigan-Dearborn (UM-Dearborn). In recent years, her research focus has largely dealt with the biotechnological applications of microorganisms. Her publication record has included over 100 articles in peer reviewed journals and three books: Molecular Biological Technologies for Ocean Sensing, Thermophilic Carboxydotrophs and Their Applications in Biotechnology and Extremophiles: Applications in Nanotechnology. She serves as a Regional Editor of the journal Environmental Technology.
Dr. Deepak Pant is a Senior Scientist at the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), Belgium. His research focuses on the design and optimization of bio-electrochemical systems for energy recovery from wastewater. He serves as Editorial board member for the journals: Bioresource Technology, Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, Biofuel Research Journal, Heliyon and Frontiers in Environmental Science. He is a regular speaker at conferences and has given more than 40 invited talks.