"This splendid compendium ... will be the standard reference work for years to come: a handbook to browse, to consult, to look things up in, and to read with pleasure, wonder and post-Darwinian exhilaration."—Richard Dawkins "This is a marvellous book… It should be in every university library - preferably in several copies - and every reader of this journal should add it to their next grant application. It really is that good.... I have already found this book to be invaluable.... For many years to come, these two volumes will be the starting point for anyone wishing to find out about virtually any subject relating to human genetics.... Any scientist working on humans or other animals will find many things in these pages that will stimulate, inform and inspire. The authors, editors and publishers are to be congratulated for their work… order a copy now!"—HUMAN GENETICS "The publishers and editors deserve to be congratulated for publishing this major book which coincides with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin. The book is well-timed, with biologists, theologians and sociologists engaged in intense debate on the Darwinian Theory on the origin of species, evolution and natural selection… There is little doubt that this marvellous publication should be in the library of universities and academic institutions dealing with basic and applied biology research and education.... It will not be surprising if the individual academic or researcher decides to invest in this resource and enrich their personal collection of leading books in genetics and genomics."—GENOMIC MEDICINE A Unique Collection of High-Quality Articles – Derived from the Acclaimed Encyclopedia of Life Sciences  The revolution in human molecular genetics which has taken place over the last three decades has yielded a wealth of information not only on the structure and function of our genes, but also on gene expression, mutation and polymorphic variation. Over the last five years, the focus has moved from genes to genomes. Even though the annotation of our ~30,000 genes is still in progress, genome-wide studies have already yielded abundant evidence for the signatures of past selection and adaptive evolution within human gene sequences. Further, the completion of the sequencing of the 3 billion base-pair human genome, coupled with the increasing availability of other vertebrate genome sequences, has ushered in a new era of comparative genomics. We are now able to identify many of the molecular events (from the chromosomal level down to the single base-pair) that have occurred during vertebrate, mammalian, primate and hominid evolution. Indeed, the detailed comparison of the human and chimpanzee genomes has begun to reveal some of the genetic changes that have been involved in the development of human lineage-specific traits. We are thus acquiring the ability to ask searching questions about our origins, about the demographic processes associated with the global radiation of humankind, as well as some of the unique adaptations that make us human. Evolutionary biology has become so broad that its impact may be felt across the spectrum of the biological sciences. The aim of the Handbook of Human Molecular Evolution is relatively straightforward: to bring together under the same cover the many and varied strands of our knowledge of human/primate/vertebrate molecular evolution. Hence, the 282 chapters that comprise this essential reference work have been thematically arranged into twelve sections, covering the whole scope of research into human molecular evolution: General Concepts in Evolutionary GeneticsMutation, Adaptation and Natural SelectionEvolutionary and Population GeneticsHuman EvolutionHuman Genome EvolutionEvolution of Human Gene Structure and FunctionEvolution of Gene ExpressionMitochondrial Genome EvolutionChromosomal EvolutionComparative GenomicsEvolution and Disease SusceptibilityAnalysis of Ancient DNA  This conceptual outline informed the selection of the chapters themselves and the connections between them. Some of these chapters are intended to be introductory, aimed at undergraduates and non-specialists. They provide basic information and a list of recommended further reading to encourage the reader to explore a topic in more depth. This approach helps the student reader progress from textbook material to primary literature. Some chapters are overviews that address topics of broad interest and importance, while others focus on quite specialized topics. These chapters are written for postgraduate students and research workers; they contain more detailed information and key references allowing the reader to investigate a specific area in more depth. This format allows professionals to use the books as a quick reference source.  The chapters are richly supplied with website information to allow access to relevant data sources over the internet. The self-contained, peer-reviewed articles in this unique handbook have been written by leading scientists in each field. Key topics include the evolution of enzyme function, the use of nucleic acid divergence as a "molecular clock", the origin of non-functional or junk DNA, the role of gene duplication in the emergence of novel gene function and the identification of molecular changes responsible for various human characteristics especially those pertaining to infection, cognition, disease and disease susceptibility. The Handbook of Human Molecular Evolution has adopted an integrated approach to the study of human evolution and seeks throughout to emphasize the interplay between molecular genetic concepts and principles on the one hand, and information acquisition and interpretation on the other. In this way, it is hoped that the 'documents of evolutionary history' written into the fabric of our genome, will become accessible to the widest possible audience.
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"This splendid compendium... will be the standard reference work for years to come: a handbook to browse, to consult, to look things up in, and to read with pleasure, wonder and post-Darwinian exhilaration.
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General Concepts in Evolutionary Genetics Views of EvolutionJames F Crow Evolution: Selectionist ViewAndreas Wagner Evolution: Neutralist ViewAndreas Wagner The Neo-selectionist Theory of Genome EvolutionGiorgio Bernardi Fitness and SelectionBrian Charlesworth Genetic Drift in Human PopulationsAndrew J Bohonak HeterozygosityWen-Hsiung Li Effective Population SizeMichael C Whitlock Population Differentiation: MeasuresStefano Mona, Giorgio Bertorelle Evolutionary DistanceWen-Hsiung Li Gene Trees and Species TreesWen-Hsiung Li Homologous, Orthologous and Paralogous GenesWen-Hsiung Li Evolution: Convergent and Parallel EvolutionCaro-Beth Stewart Mutation, Adaptation and Natural Selection Genetic Variation: Polymorphisms and MutationsAlan F Wright Polymorphisms: Origins and MaintenanceKenneth M Weiss Molecular Evolution: IntroductionDavid Penny Molecular Evolution: OverviewJan Klein Molecular Evolution: Genetics of AdaptationMichael Travisano Neutral Theory of Molecular EvolutionNaoyuki Takahata Molecular Evolution: Nearly Neutral TheoryTomoko Ohta Molecular Evolution: RatesLindell Bromham Molecular Evolution: Patterns and RatesLindell Bromham Nucleotide Substitution: Rate ofWen-Hsiung Li Synonymous and Nonsynonymous RatesSoojin Yi Mutational Change in EvolutionDan Graur Mutations and New Variation: OverviewMark O Johnston Single-base MutationDan Graur Mutation RateBertram Müller-Myhsok Mutation Rates: EvolutionDavid Metzgar Spectrum of Mutations in the Human Genome Inferred by Single Nucleotide PolymorphismsZhao Zhongming Mutational BiasesLev Y Yampolsky, Arlin Stoltzfus Mutations: DatingRoberto Colombo Diffusion TheoryGil McVean Molecular Clocks in MammalsWen-Hsiung Li, Kateryna D Makova Molecular ClocksAndrew Peter Martin Purifying Selection: Action on Silent SitesR Nielsen, H Akashi Selection against Amino Acid Replacements in Human ProteinsSankar Subramanian Identifying Regions of the Human Genome that Exhibit Evidence for Positive SelectionRyosuke Kimura, Jun Ohashi Positive Selection on Genes in Humans as Compared to ChimpanzeesMargaret A Bakewell, Jianzhi Zhang Selection Operating on Protein-coding Genes in the Human GenomeDiogo Meyer, Eugene E Harris Selective and Structural ConstraintsAustin L Hughes Substitution MatricesStephen F Altschul Fixation Probabilities and TimesSarah P Otto, Michael C Whitlock Genetic Code: EvolutionEdward N Trifonov Codon Usage in Molecular EvolutionRichard L Grantham Linkage DisequilibriumPeter JP Croucher Recombination and Human Genetic DiversityChris CA Spencer Comparison of Rates and Patterns of Meiotic Recombination between Human and ChimpanzeesJan Freudenberg Rapid Evolution of Genes on the Human X-chromosomeErika M Kvikstad, Kateryna D Makova Evolutionary and Population Genetics Gene Flow, Haplotype Patterns and Modern Human OriginsAlan R Templeton HapMap ProjectBryan J Traynor, Andrew Singleton MigrationGuido Barbujani Nonrandom MatingDennis H O'Neil Human Population Stratification and its Assessment by Microarray GenotypingMarc Bauchet Sequence AlignmentJulie D Thompson, Olivier Poch Sequence SimilarityJaap Heringa PhylogeneticsWen-Hsiung Li Phylogenetic FootprintingWyeth W Wasserman, Wynand Alkema Molecular Phylogeny ReconstructionSudhir Kumar, Alan Filipski Evolutionary Distance: EstimationMasatoshi Nei, Jianzhi Zhang Coalescent TheorySimon Tavaré Stationary Allele Frequency DistributionsBruce Rannala Developmental EvolutionSusan Lindsay Morphological Diversity: EvolutionGraham Budd Male-driven EvolutionHans Ellegren Coevolution: MolecularRonald M Adkins Concerted EvolutionDaiqing Liao Sociobiology, Evolutionary Psychology and GeneticsPatrick Bateson Are Humans Still Evolving?Floyd A Reed Human Evolution Hominids: Molecular PhylogeneticsUlfur Arnason, Morgan Kullberg Human Evolution: OverviewBernard A Wood Molecular Clocks: Determining the Age of the Human--Chimpanzee DivergenceMichael I Jensen-Seaman, Kathryn A Hooper-Boyd On the Number of Ancestral Human SpeciesDarren Curnoe Human Evolution: Early RadiationsBernard A Wood Human Evolution: Radiations in the Last 300000 YearsOsbjorn M Pearson Modern Humans: Origin and EvolutionTodd R Disotell Modern Human Origins: The `Out of Africa' DebateJohn H Relethford Origin of Modern Humans: Interpreting the Molecular EvidenceHenry C Harpending Human Populations: EvolutionRebecca L Cann Human Populations: Origins and EvolutionRosalind M Harding, John H Relethford Humans: Demographic HistoryHenry Harpending DNA Markers and Human EvolutionRebecca L Cann Reconstructing Human History Using Autosomal, Y-Chromosomal and Mitochondrial MarkersBryndis Yngvadottir, Denise R Carvalho-Silva Population History and Linkage DisequilibriumSebastian Zollner Human Population Genetics: Drift and MigrationRanajit Chakraborty Human Genetics and LanguagesDavid Comas, Elena Bosch, Francesc Calafell Surnames and GeneticsMark A Jobling Population History of Europe: GeneticsGuido Barbujani Genetic Diversity in AfricaAlicia Sanchez-Mazas, Estella S. Poloni Genetic Diversity in the German PopulationMichael Krawczak, Timothy T Lu, Sascha Willuweit, Lutz Roewer Genetics and the History of the Basque PeopleSantos Alonso Genetics and the Origins of the British PopulationMartin Richards, Cristian Capelli, James F Wilson Genetics and the Origins of the ChineseQing-Peng Kong, Hui Pan, Ya-Ping Zhang Genetics and the Origins of the FinnsReijo Norio Genetics and the Origins of the IrishBrian McEvoy, Daniel G Bradley Genetics and the Origins of the PolynesiansGeoffrey K Chambers Origins of the Australian and New Guinean AboriginesSheila M van Holst Pellekaan Origins of the Austro-Asiatic PopulationsB Mohan Reddy, Vikrant Kumar Peopling of India: Insights from GeneticsPartha P Majumder Population Genetics of the AshkenazimMarina Faerman Roma (Gypsies): Genetic StudiesBharti Morar, Luba Kalaydjieva The Peopling of the Americas as Revealed by Molecular Genetic StudiesTheodore G Schurr Primates and the Origin of CultureWC McGrew Human Genome Evolution Evolution of Genome OrganizationWolfgang Stephan Genome Organization of VertebratesGiorgio Bernardi Evolutionary History of the Human GenomeGiorgio Bernardi Sequencing the Human Genome: Novel Insights into its Structure and FunctionHildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki, David N Cooper Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)Anthony J Brookes Human Genetic DiversityLynn B Jorde Human and Chimpanzee Nucleotide DiversityHenrik Kaessmann Divergence between the Human and Chimpanzee Genomes and its Impact on Protein and Transcriptome EvolutionHildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki, David N Cooper Indels in the Evolution of the Human and Chimpanzee GenomesAnna Wetterbom, Lucia Cavelier, Tomas F Bergström Inferring the Process of Human--Chimpanzee SpeciationK Ryo Takahasi, Hideki Innan Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP)Morris W Foster Blocks of Limited Haplotype DiversityNewton E Morton Gene Conversion during Primate EvolutionYoko Satta Biased Gene Conversion and its Impact on Human Genome EvolutionNicolas Galtier, Laurent Duret Repetitive DNA: EvolutionWolfgang Stephan, J Bruce Walsh Simple Sequence Repeats in the Human Genome: EvolutionDonald E Riley, John N Krieger Evolution of Microsatellite DNAIris M Vargas Jentzsch, Andrew Bagshaw, Emmanuel Buschiazzo, Angelika Merkel, Neil J Gemmell Evolution of Alpha Satellite DNADuroica Ugarkovic Comparative Genetics of Trinucleotide Repeats in the Human and Ape GenomesLoris Mularoni, Macarena Toll-Riera, M Mar Albà Endogenous Retroviral Sequences; their Evolutionary Contribution to the Human GenomeJens Mayer Human Endogenous Retroviruses; Evolutionary Dynamics, Chromosomal Location and Host BenefitPaul Nelson, Graham Freimanis, Denise Roden Evolutionary History and Impact of Human DNA TransposonsCédric Feschotte Evolution of Human Retrosequences: AluAstrid M Roy-Engel, Mark A Batzer, Prescott L Deininger Long Interspersed Nuclear Elements (LINEs): EvolutionAnthony V Furano, Stéphane Boissinot Bacterial DNA in the Human GenomeJan O Andersson Chromosome-specific Repeats (Low-copy Repeats)M-C Potier, G Golfier, EE Eichler TelomereChrista Lese Martin, David H Ledbetter Telomeric and Subtelomeric Repeat SequencesDmitri Churikov, Carolyn M Price Subtelomeres: Evolution in the Human GenomeM Katharine Rudd The Evolution of Centromeric DNA SequencesJoshua J Bayes, Harmit S Malik Segmental Duplications and Their Role in the Evolution of the Human GenomeYali Xue, Chris Tyler-Smith Copy Number Variation in the Human GenomeHildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki Gene Duplication: EvolutionWen-Hsiung Li Gene Families: Formation and EvolutionTomoko Ohta Gene Families: Multigene Families and SuperfamiliesTomoko Ohta Gene Clustering in EukaryotesJeffrey G Lawrence, Thomas Blumenthal Clustering of Highly Expressed Genes in the Human GenomeHinco J Gierman, Rogier Versteeg Gene Distribution in Human ChromosomesGiorgio Bernardi, Salvatore Saccone Evolution of Gene Deserts in the Human GenomeJames Taylor The Impact of Gene Duplication on Human Genome EvolutionJames A Cotton Genetic RedundancyDavid C Krakauer DNA Methylation: EvolutionAharon Razin, Ruth Shemer Evolution of Imprinting: Imprinted Gene Function in Human DiseaseBenjamin JA Dickins, Gavin Kelsey Imprinting: EvolutionHamish G Spencer Epigenetic Variation in HumansJon F Wilkins Dosage Compensation Mechanisms: EvolutionIgnacio Marín Evolution of X-chromosome InactivationAlexander I Shevchenko, Suren M Zakian Ultraconserved DNA Sequence Elements in the Human GenomeAlison P Lee, B Venkatesh The Biological Significance of Conserved Non-Generic DNAEmmanouil T Dermitzakis Evolutionarily Conserved Noncoding DNAAnil G Jegga, Bruce J Aronow Human-specific Accelerated Evolution of Noncoding SequencesMatthew T Webster Rapidly Evolving Regions of the Human GenomeSubhash Mohan Agarwal GC-Rich Isochores in the Interphase NucleusSalvatore Saccone, Giorgio Bernardi Evolution of Human Gene Structure and Function Gene Structure: EvolutionTomoko Ohta Gene Evolution and Human AdaptationEugene E Harris The Evolution of Introns in Human GenesElodie Gazave, Olga Fernando, Arcadi Navarro Intron Evolution in Duplicated Human GenesKamel Jabbari, Edda Rayko Intron Loss and GainTobias Mourier, Daniel C Jeffares Introns: MovementsManyuan Long, Rüdiger Cerff Introns: Phase CompatibilityLászló Patthy Evolutionarily Conserved Intronic Splicing Regulatory Elements in the Human GenomeEric L Van Nostrand, Gene W Yeo Evolutionary Conservation of Splice SitesMichelle L. Hastings, Ravi Sachidanandam Alternative Splicing: EvolutionLászló Patthy Alternative Splicing in the Human Genome and its Evolutionary ConsequencesLiliana Florea Dual-coding Regions in Alternatively Spliced Human GenesHan Liang, Laura F Landweber Birth and Evolution of Human ExonsMaria Dulcetti Vibranovski, Noboru Jo Sakabe, Manyuan Long Exons and Protein ModulesLászló Patthy Insertion and Deletion of Exons During Human Gene EvolutionDavid N Cooper Exons: ShufflingLászló Patthy PseudoexonsManyuan Long Domain Duplication and Gene Elongation Wen-Hsiung LiKateryna D Makova The Contribution of Frameshift Translation to the Generation of Novel Human ProteinsKohji Okamura, Stephen W Scherer Transposable Element-driven Duplications during Hominoid Genome EvolutionBud Mishra The Contribution of Transposable Elements to Human ProteinsJean-Nicolas Volff Evolutionary Emergence of Genes Through RetrotranspositionRichard Cordaux, Mark A Batzer Multigene Families: EvolutionJ Bruce Walsh, Wolfgang Stephan Paralogous Genes and Chromosomal RegionsLars-Gustav Lundin, Dan Larhammar, Finn Hallböök Bi-directional Gene Pairs in the Human GenomeKanako O Koyanagi, Tadashi Imanishi, Takashi Gojobori Gene FusionEsther Betrán Protein Families: EvolutionRichard R Copley Fibroblast Growth Factors: EvolutionDavid M Ornitz Globin Genes: EvolutionRoss C Hardison Hox Genes and Body Plan: EvolutionElla Tour, William McGinnis Pax Genes: Evolution and FunctionMaxime Bouchard, Alexander Schleiffer, Frank Eisenhaber, Meinrad Busslinger Low-density Lipoprotein Receptor (LDLR) Family: Genetics and EvolutionWolfgang Johann Schneider Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Genes: EvolutionAustin L Hughes Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Genes: Polymorphism Diogo MeyerSteven J Mack Vertebrate Immune System: EvolutionAustin L Hughes Evolution of the Human Immune SystemNadia Danilova Complement System: EvolutionMasaru Nonaka Somatic Hypermutation of Antigen Receptor Genes: EvolutionMarilyn Diaz, Laurent K Verkoczy Neuropeptides and their Receptors: EvolutionCharles HV Hoyle Nuclear Receptor Genes: EvolutionGareth I Owen Olfactory Receptor Genes: EvolutionYoshihito Niimura Visual Pigment Genes: EvolutionShozo Yokoyama Bitter Taste Sensitivity in Humans and ChimpanzeesMaik Behrens, Wolfgang Meyerhof Evolution of Skin Pigmentation Differences in HumansHeather Norton Population Genetics of Lactase Persistence and Lactose IntoleranceCatherine Janet Ellen Ingram, Dallas Mary Swallow Defensins: EvolutionAustin L Hughes Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Sequences: Comparative AnalysisJian-Min Chen, Guillaume Lecointre, Erick Denamur, Claude Férec ATP-binding Cassette (ABC) Transporter Supergene Family: Genetics and EvolutionMichael Dean Proteases: EvolutionChristopher Southan Serpins: EvolutionGary A Silverman, David J Askew, James A Irving, Cliff J Luke, Dion Kaiserman, Phillip I Bird, James C Whisstock Adaptive Evolution of Primate Sperm ProteinsNathaniel L Clark Drug Metabolism: EvolutionDaniel W Nebert rRNA Genes: EvolutionIris L Gonzalez, James E Sylvester MicroRNA Evolution in the Human GenomeBing Su, Rui Zhang Pseudogene Evolution in the Human GenomeZhaolei Zhang, Deyou Zheng Human Lineage-specific Gene InactivationWendy E Grus, Jianzhi Zhang Pseudogenes: AgeAllen R Rhoads, Felix Friedberg Pseudogenes: Patterns of MutationRosa Martínez-Arias, Francesc Calafell, Jaume Bertranpetit Processed Pseudogenes and Their Functional Resurrection in the Human and Mouse GenomesHiroaki Sakai, Takeshi Itoh, Takashi Gojobori Evolution of Gene Expression Transcriptional Regulation: EvolutionGregory A Wray Promoters: EvolutionDeborah L Gumucio Evolution of Human Gene Expression ControlCourtney C Babbitt, Gregory A Wray Positive Selection and the Evolution of ProdynorphinMatthew V Rockman Human Transcriptome EvolutionXun Gu, Yong Huang Evolution of Gene Expression in Human and Chimpanzee BrainsNaoki Osada, Sugano Sumio, Yutaka Suzuki Human and Chimpanzee Transcriptomes: Comparative EvolutionPhilipp Khaitovich, David Cooper, Hildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki Human and Macaque Transcriptiomes: A comparisonStephen J Walker Transcription Factor-binding Sites: Recent Evolution in the Human LineageBerthold Göttgens Alternative Polyadenylation in the Human Genome: EvolutionBin Tian Mitochondrial Genome Evolution Mitochondrial Genome: EvolutionMark Stoneking Mitochondrial Non-Mendelian Inheritance: Evolutionary Origin and ConsequencesC William Birky Jr Mitochondrial Genome Sequences and Their Phylogeographic InterpretationVincent Macaulay, Martin Richards Mitochondrial Origins of Human Nuclear Genes and DNA SequencesWilliam F Martin Chromosomal Evolution Chromosomes in Mammals: Diversity and EvolutionJohannes Wienberg, Stefan Müller Chromosome Numbers in MammalsHarry Scherthan Chromosome Rearrangement Patterns in Mammalian EvolutionJohannes Wienberg, Stefan Müller Hotspots of Mammalian Chromosome EvolutionLutz Froenicke, Leslie A Lyons Chromosomal Rearrangements in PrimatesRoscoe Stanyon, Francesca Bigoni Chromosomal Rearrangements in the Human and Chimpanzee LineagesHildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki, David N Cooper Human Chromosome EvolutionGerald P Holmquist, Johannes Wienberg Polyploid Origin of the Human GenomeMasanori Kasahara Chromatin Structure and Human Genome EvolutionColin AM Semple Mammalian Sex Chromosome EvolutionGerald J Wyckoff, Christine M Malcom Evolution of the Mammalian X ChromosomePaul D Waters, Terence J Robinson Y Chromosome EvolutionVladimir A Gvozdev X and Y Chromosomes: Homologous RegionsNisrine El-Moghabel, Jennifer A M Graves Evolution of Common Fragile SitesAnne Helmrich Comparative Genomics Comparative CytogeneticsMatthew Breen, Cordelia Langford Comparative Cytogenetics TechnologiesStefan Müller, Johannes Wienberg Reconstruction of Ancestral GenomesRoscoe Stanyon, Fiorella Garofalo, Francesca Bigoni Comparative Human GenomicsI King Jordan, Eugene V Koonin Orthologues, Paralogues and Xenologues in Human and Other GenomesOlga Zhaxybayeva, J Peter Gogarten, Lorraine Olendzenski Comparing the Human and Sea Urchin GenomesR Andrew Cameron Comparing the Human and Fish GenomesYoichiro Nakatani, Shinichi Morishita Comparing the Human and Medaka GenomesTakashi Sasaki, Nobuyoshi Shimizu Fugu: The Pufferfish Model GenomeB Venkatesh The Mouse Genome as a Rodent Model in Evolutionary StudiesJessica Vamathevan, Joanna D Holbrook, Richard D Emes The Rat Genome as a Rodent Model in Evolutionary StudiesKim Fechtel Comparing the Human and Canine GenomesMarek Switonski, Izabela Szczerbal Primate PhylogeneticsTodd R Disotell The Sequencing of the Rhesus Macaque Genome and its Comparison with the Genome Sequences of Human and ChimpanzeeRichard A Gibbs, Kim C Worley, Hildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki, David N Cooper The Chimpanzee Genome ProjectDavid N Cooper, Hildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki Comparing the Human and Chimpanzee GenomesMonica Uddin, Derek E Wildman, Morris Goodman Nucleotide Sequence Divergence between Humans and ChimpanzeesFeng-Chi Chen, Trees-Juen Chuang Human-specific Changes of Genome StructureR Alan Harris, Aleksandar Milosavljevic Evolution and Disease Susceptibility Evolutionary Thinking in the Medical SciencesStephen C Stearns Darwinian MedicineGeorge C Williams Pathological Missense Mutations Provide New Insights into the Evolution of Trypsinogen GenesJian-Min Chen, David N Cooper, Claude Férec Balancing Selection in Human EvolutionEric J Vallender, Welkin E Johnson Selective Constraints on Human Disease Mutations and PolymorphismsHernán Dopazo Genetic of Large Populations and Association StudiesPauline Hélène Garnier-Géré, Lounès Chikhi Genetic Disease in the Ashkenazim: Role of a Founder Effect Inbal Kedar-Barnes, Paul Rozen, Mordechai ShohatHagit N Baris Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Human Disease and Evolution: Phylogenies and GenealogiesPaul D Thomas Structural Diversity of the Human Genome and Disease SusceptibilityRichard S Smith, María Gutiérrez-Arcelus, Charles W Tran, Stephanie Park, Cheryn J Couter, Charles Lee Segmental Duplications and Genetic DiseaseBeverly S Emanuel, Tamim H Shaikh Genetics of Susceptibility to Human Infectious DiseasesRichard A Kaslow, Sadeep Shrestha, Jianming 'James' Tang The Genetics of Malarial Resistance and SusceptibilityBrian C Verrelli The Evolution of Fatness and Susceptibility to ObesityJonathan CK Wells Thrifty Genotype Hyphothesis and Complex Genetic DiseasePnina Varidi, Konstantin Bloch An Evolutionary Framework for Common DiseaseFrancesca Luca, Anna Di Rienzo On Sequence Variants that Influence the Risk of Common DiseasesKári Stefánsson, Jeffrey R Gulcher An Evolutionary Genetic Framework for Heritable DisordersMatthew C Keller Analysis of Ancient DNA Ancient DNA: Recovery and AnalysisSusanne Hummel Ancient DNA: Phylogenetic ApplicationsMichael Knapp, Linda Vigilant, Michael Hofreiter Neanderthal Mitochondrial DNAWilliam Goodwin, Igor Ovchinnikov Reconstructing Ancient DNA Sequences in SilicoJian Ma
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"This splendid compendium... will be the standard reference work for years to come: a handbook to browse, to consult, to look things up in, and to read with pleasure, wonder and post-Darwinian exhilaration."—Richard Dawkins "This is a marvellous book.... For many years to come, these two volumes will be the starting point for anyone wishing to find out about virtually any subject relating to human genetics." (Human Genetics) "The publishers and editors deserve to be congratulated for publishing this major book which coincides with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin." (Genomic Medicine)
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David N. Cooper has been Professor of Human Molecular Genetics at Cardiff University since 1996. His research interests focus largely on molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis and genotype-phenotype relationships in a variety of different inherited disorders, population genetics, gene expression, cancer genetics, growth hormone genetics, and molecular evolution. He has written or co-authored Human Gene Mutation (1993), The Molecular Genetics of Haemostasis and Its Inherited Disorders (1994), Venous Thrombosis: From Genes to Clinical Medicine (1997), Human Gene Evolution (1999) and The Molecular Genetics of Lung Cancer (2005). He has also co-edited The Functional Analysis of the Human Genome (1995), Gene Therapy (1996), Neurofibromatosis Type 1: From Genotype to Phenotype (1998) and Fascioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy: Clinical Medicine and Molecular Cell Biology (2004). He acted as Editor-in-Chief of the Nature Encyclopedia of the Human Genome (2003) and is currently Editor of the Genetics & Disease section of the Wiley Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. He has been European Editor of the journal Human Genetics since 1997 and Curator of the Human Gene Mutation Database (www.hgmd.org) since 1996.

Hildegard Kehrer Sawatzki is a Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of Human Genetics, University of Ulm, Germany where she has been a group leader since 2000. She has published extensively in the field of molecular medicine and molecular evolution. Alongside her long-term work on the tumour predisposition syndrome, type 1 neurofibromatosis, she has developed a keen interest in the comparative analysis of the human, chimpanzee and macaque genomes in order to identify inter-species genetic differences, particularly those which are human-specific. She has characterized, at the molecular level, the microscopically-visible chromosomal differences between human and chimpanzee known as pericentric inversions. In addition, she has performed detailed genomic comparisons which have contributed to the identification of the hundreds of small submicroscopic inversions, insertions, deletions and copy number differences that are largely responsible for the genetic divergence of the primates. In 2007, she received the Merckle Research Prize for her work on evolutionary and disease-associated chromosomal breakpoints.
David Cooper and Hildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki are the ELS section editors for Genetics & Disease and Evolution & Diversity of Life, respectively.