'Night Vision is a fascinating and authoritative account of the dramatically different Universe revealed when we observe the sky at infrared and submillimeter wavelengths. In a very readable style, often conversational and punctuated with anecdotes, Rowan-Robinson traces the history of the subject, from its discovery right up to the present day and future plans. The book is enlivened with many well-chosen graphics and images of pioneering scientists. Extensive quotations from the scientific literature, as well as personal accounts of some major events in which the author has participated, give insight into the agonies and ecstasies of exploration at the boundaries of human knowledge. This volume will be valuable to a wide range of audiences ranging from the casual reader interested in science to students, research scientists and historians of science.' Michael G. Hauser, Astronomer Emeritus, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore
'An excellent introduction to infrared astronomy.' BBC Sky at Night
'Astronomer Rowan-Robinson is intimately acquainted with astronomical investigations done in the infrared (beyond visible) region of the spectrum, having made several important discoveries himself. Here, he reviews the history of infrared from its discovery by William Herschel in 1800, to the detection of infrared absorption by the Earth's atmosphere in the solar spectrum by John Herschel in 1840, and the detection of infrared radiation from the moon by Piazzi Smyth in 1856.' M. K. Hemenway, Choice
'Nicely illustrated and presented.' Astronomy Now
'The language is accurate and efficient without being excessively technical. … [the book] provides an approachable single source for anyone wishing to understand the major discoveries of infrared astronomy over the past few decades, and sets out the scientific rationale behind the next decade's major ground- and space-based observatories.' Alistair Glasse, The Observatory