[O]ften clever and even enlightening….Comprehensive collections.
[P]robes the ways in which Mars has influenced not only the field of astronomy but also mythology, astrology, cultural and literary studies, and more.
Library Journal
Mars has fascinated us since the time we emerged from the ooze and looked skyward. Both H.G. Wells and Orson Welles found it a source of inspiration, and were it not for Mars the television series <i>My Favorite Martian</i> would have to be called <i>My Favorite Californian</i>. Rabkin offers about 60 short chapters on the reasons why the Red Planet hangs over our science, our speculative literature (both good and bad), and our fantasies. He includes period illustrations of those involved, including Mars itself, and a nifty shot of Martin the Martian, foe of Bugs Bunny.
Popular Astronomy
[A]n interersting, informative, and different perspective on the planet.