Preface. Contributors. PART ONE: HISTORICAL CONTEXT. 1 Psychotherapy Supervision: A Conceptual Review (Allen K. Hess). PART TWO: PERSPECTIVES OF PARTICIPANTS. 2 The Dynamics of Change and Outcome in Psychotherapy Supervision: A Note on Professional Identity (Paul M. Lerner). 3 The New Supervisee: Order from Chaos (Ryan Weatherford, Tiffany O’Shaughnessy, Yoko Mori, and Anju Kaduvettoor). 4 On Being Supervised (Tanya H. Hess and Allen K. Hess). 5 Supervising International Students in Counseling and Psychology Training (Johanna E. Nilsson and Chia-Chih DC Wang). 6 The Transition from Supervisee to Supervisor (Lindsey L. Cohen and Crystal S. Lim). PART THREE: PSYCHOTHERAPY ORIENTATIONS. 7 Psychoanalytic Supervision (Marvin Hyman). 8 Supervision of Narrative-Based Psychotherapy (Jefferson A. Singer, Jenna Baddeley, and Lisa Frantsve). 9 Supervision and Training of Experiential Psychotherapists (Alvin R. Mahrer). 10 Interpersonal Approaches to Psychotherapy Supervision: A Vygotskiian Perspective (Allen K. Hess, Clara E. Hess, and Joel H. Hess). PART FOUR: SPECIAL MODALITIES. 11 Supervision of Couples and Family Therapy (Lyn E. Styczynski and Leonard Greenberg). 12 Supervision in Therapeutic and Collaborative Assessment (Leonard Handler). 13 Hypnotherapy Supervision (C. Alexander Simpkins and Annellen M. Simpkins). 14 Supervision of Paraprofessional Human Service Workers (Steven Walfish and Ellis Gesten). PART FIVE: DEVELOPMENTAL PERSPECTIVES. 15 The Supervision of Child Psychotherapy (Robert M. Leve). 16 Supervising Psychotherapy with Adolescents (Kathryn D. Hess). 17 Supervising Novice Geropsychologists (Norman Abeles and Mark Ettenhoffer). PART SIX: SPECIAL POPULATIONS. 18 Supervising Psychotherapy of Abuse Survivors (Nancy Kaser-Boyd). 19 Supervising Substance Abuse Treatment: Specific Issues and a Motivational Interviewing Model (Michael B. Madson, Emily E. Bullock, Alayna C. Speed, and Shirley A. Hodges). 20 Supervising Therapists Treating the Severely Mentally Ill (Bertram P. Karon). 21 Clinical Supervision in Correctional Settings (Max J. Mobley). 22 Teaching Interventions with the Sexually Disordered (Barbara K. Schwartz). 23 Psychotherapy Supervision and Angry, Hostile, and Violent Patients (Allen K. Hess). 24 Supervision in Medical Settings (C. Don Morgan, Dana K. Soetaert, and Robin J. Heinrichs). PART SEVEN: RESEARCH DEVELOPMENTS. 25 State of the Art in the Assessment, Measurement, and Evaluation of Clinical Supervision (Michael V. Ellis, Nadia D’Iuso, and Nicholas Ladany). 26 Research: The State of the Field (Arpana G. Inman and Nicholas Ladany). PART EIGHT: PROFESSIONAL ISSUES. 27 Ethical and Legal Considerations in Psychotherapy Supervision (Allen K. Hess). PART NINE: RACE, SEX, AND GENDER CONSIDERATIONS. 28 Racial and Cultural Aspects of Psychotherapy and Supervision (Ivory A. Toldson and Shawn Utsey). 29 Gender and Sexual Orientation in Supervision (Johanna E. Nilsson, Danah M. Barazanji, Codi L. Schale, and Angela D. Bahner). PART TEN: STATE OF THE FIELD AND ITS FUTURE. 30 Summing Up and Moving Forward (Allen K. Hess). Author Index. Subject Index.
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