European Civilization in a Comparative Perspective a study in the Relations Between Culture and Social Structure Eisenstadt, Shmuel Noah Innbundet / 1987 / Engelsk
Welfare state and woman power essays in state feminism Hernes, Helga Maria Innbundet / 1987 / Engelsk
Generating equality in the welfare state the swedish experience Persson, Inga Innbundet / 1990 / Engelsk
The Art of Social Relations essays on Culture, Social Action and Everyday Life in Modern Norway Gullestad, Marianne Innbundet / 1992 / Engelsk
Metasociology an inquiry into the origins and validity of social thought Østerberg, Dag Heftet / 1988 / Engelsk
Metasociology an inquiry into the origins and validity of social thought Østerberg, Dag Innbundet / 1988 / Engelsk