Computational Social Network Analysis Trends, Tools and Research Advances Abraham, Ajith Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Computational Social Network Analysis Trends, Tools and Research Advances Abraham, Ajith Innbundet / 2009 / Engelsk
Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering - 2 Proceedings of the 6th Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference - AWIC'2009, Prague, Czech Republic, September, 2009 Snášel, Vaclav Heftet / 2009 / Engelsk
Foundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 5 Function Approximation and Classification Abraham, Ajith Innbundet / 2009 / Engelsk
Foundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 5 Function Approximation and Classification Abraham, Ajith Heftet / 2014 / Engelsk
Foundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 6: Data Mining Abraham, Ajith Innbundet / 2009 / Engelsk
Foundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 6: Data Mining Abraham, Ajith Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk