Recent Developments In Conformal Field Theories - Trieste Conference Sezgin Ergin Innbundet / 1990 / Engelsk
Superstrings, Unified Theories And Cosmology 1988 - Proceeings Of The 1988 Summer Workshop On High Energy Physics And Cosmology Sezgin Ergin Heftet / 1989 / Engelsk
String Theory And Quantum Gravity - Proceedings Of Trieste Spring School Maino Giuseppe Innbundet / 1991 / Engelsk
Supergravities In Diverse Dimensions: Commentary And Reprints (In 2 Volumes) Sezgin Ergin Innbundet / 1989 / Engelsk
Superstrings, Unified Theories And Cosmology 1988 - Proceeings Of The 1988 Summer Workshop On High Energy Physics And Cosmology Sezgin Ergin Innbundet / 1989 / Engelsk
High Energy Physics And Cosmology - Proceedings Of The 1990 Summer School Sezgin Ergin Innbundet / 1991 / Engelsk
Supergravities In Diverse Dimensions: Commentary And Reprints (In 2 Volumes) Sezgin Ergin Heftet / 1989 / Engelsk
String Theory And Quantum Gravity - Proceedings Of Trieste Spring School Maino Giuseppe Heftet / 1991 / Engelsk
Strings '90 - Proceedings Of The 4th International Superstring Workshop Duff Michael James Innbundet / 1991 / Engelsk
Strings '90 - Proceedings Of The 4th International Superstring Workshop Duff Michael James Heftet / 1991 / Engelsk
Supermembranes And Physics In 2+1 Dimensions - Trieste Conference Duff Michael James Innbundet / 1990 / Engelsk
High Energy Physics And Cosmology - Proceedings Of The 1992 Summer School Narain Kumar Shiv Innbundet / 1993 / Engelsk
Superstrings, Unified Theories And Cosmology 1987 - Proceedings Of The Summer Workshop In High Energy Physics And Cosmology Furlan Giuseppe Innbundet / 1988 / Engelsk
Superstrings, Unified Theories And Cosmology 1987 - Proceedings Of The Summer Workshop In High Energy Physics And Cosmology Furlan Giuseppe Heftet / 1988 / Engelsk
Superstrings, Unified Theories And Cosmology - Proceedings Summer Workshop Furlan Giuseppe Innbundet / 1987 / Engelsk
Superstrings, Unified Theories And Cosmology - Proceedings Summer Workshop Furlan Giuseppe Heftet / 1987 / Engelsk
Nonperturbative Aspects Of Strings, Branes And Supersymmetry - Proceedings Of The Spring School On Nonperturba Thompson George Innbundet / 1999 / Engelsk