Notes on Concrete and Works in Concrete Especially Written to Assist Those Engaged Upon Public Works (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Iron Cylinder Bridge Piers: On the Calculations and Investigations Necessary in Designing Them; With Investigations Tables for Facilitating the Calculations; Formulæ; Remarks on Foundations and the Materials Employed (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Notes on Cylinder Bridge Piers and the Well System of Foundations: Especially Written to Assist Those Engaged in the Construction of Bridges, Quays, Docks, River-Walls, Weirs, Etc (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Scamping Tricks and Odd Knowledge: Occasionally Practised Upon Public Works, Chronicled From the Confessions of Some Old Practitioners (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Notes on Concrete and Works in Concrete Especially Written to Assist Those Engaged Upon Public Works Newman, John Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk
Notes on Cylinder Bridge Piers and the Well System of Foundations, Especially Written to Assist Those Engaged in the Construction of Bridges, Quays, Docks, Riverwalls, Weirs, Etc Newman, John Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk
Metallic Structures: Corrosion and Fouling, and Their Prevention; A Practical Aid-Book to the Safety of Works in Iron and Steel, and of Ships; And to the Selection of Paints for Them (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Notes on Concrete and Works in Concrete Especially Written to Assist Those Engaged Upon Public Works (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Character and Blessings of a Good Government. a Sermon Preach'd at Salters-Hall, November 5th. 1716. by John Newman. Newman, John Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Notes on Cylinder Bridge Piers and the Well System of Foundations. Especially Written to Assist Those Engaged in the Construction of Bridges, Quays, Docks, River-walls, Weirs, Etc Newman, John Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Contributions to Encyclopedia Metropolitana, 1823-1826 (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Heftet / 2022 / Engelsk
Scamping Tricks and Odd Knowledge: Occasionally Practised Upon Public Works, Chronicled From the Confessions of Some Old Practitioners (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Notes On Cylinder Bridge Piers And The Well System Of Foundations; Especially Written To Assist Those Engaged In The Construction Of Bridges, Quays, Docks, River-Walls Newman, John Heftet / 2011 / Engelsk
Notes on Cylinder Bridge Piers and the Well System of Foundations: Especially Written to Assist Those Engaged in the Construction of Bridges, Quays, Docks, River-Walls, Weirs, Etc (Large Text Classic Reprint) Newman, John Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Vietnam War Literature An Annotated Bibliography of Imaginative Works about Americans Fighting in Vietnam Newman, John Annet / 2000 / Engelsk
Funeral Sermon, Occasion'd by the Death of ... William Tong, ... Preach'd at Salters Hall, April 2d, 1727. by John Newman Newman, John Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Metallic Structures: Corrosion and Fouling, and Their Prevention; A Practical Aid-Book to the Safety of Works in Iron and Steel, and of Ships; And to the Selection of Paints for Them (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Earthwork Slips and Subsidences Upon Public Works: Their Causes, Prevention (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Contributions to Encyclopedia Metropolitana, 1823-1826 (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Notes on Concrete and Works in Concrete: Especially Written to Assist Those Engaged Upon Public Works (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Heftet / 2022 / Engelsk
Notes on Cylinder Bridge Piers and the Well System of Foundations: Especially Written to Assist Those Engaged in the Construction of Bridges, Quays, Docks, River-Walls, Weirs, Etc (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Earthwork Slips and Subsidences Upon Public Works: Their Causes, Prevention (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Iron Cylinder Bridge Piers: On the Calculations and Investigations Necessary in Designing Them; With Investigations Tables for Facilitating the Calculations; Formulæ; Remarks on Foundations and the Materials Employed (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Sermons of Rev. J. P. Newman, D.D., Of the Metropolitan M. E. Church, Washington, D. C (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Philip Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Lectures on Catholicism in England: Delivered in the Corn Exchange, Birmingham (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Letters and Correspondence of John Henry Newman During His Life in the English Church, Vol. 1 of 2: With a Brief Autobiography (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Christ Upon the Waters: A Sermon Preached in Substance at St. Chad's Birmingham, on Sunday, October 27, 1850, Occasion of Establishment of the Catholic Hierarchy in This Country (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Lives of the English Saints: S. Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Tree Beside the Waters: A Sermon Preached in the Chapel of St. Mary's College, Oscott, on Friday, November 11, 1859, at the Funeral of the Right Rev. Henry Weedall (Classic Reprint) Newman, John H. Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Lives of the English Saints: St. Wilfrid, Bishop of York (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Lives of the English Saints: Hermit Saints, St. Gundleus; St. Helier; St. Herbert; St. Edelwald; St. Bettelin; St. Neot; St. Bartholomew (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Parochial and Plain Sermons, Vol. 1 of 8 (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Parochial and Plain Sermons, Vol. 5 of 8 (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Lives of the English Saints: St. Aelred, Abbot of Rievaux (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2022 / Engelsk
Two Sermons Preached in the Church of S. Aloysius, Oxford (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Parochial Sermons, Vol. 6: Being the Weeks Between the First Sunday in Lent and Trinity Sunday (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Literature a Lecture by John Henry, Cardinal Newman (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D: His Recent Eirenicon (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Die Kirche der Väter: Bilder aus dem Leben und den Schrifter der Väter des Vierten und Fünften Jahrhunderts (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2022 / Tysk
Catholic University: The Rector's Report to Their Lordships the Archbishops and Bishops of Ireland, for the Year 1856-1857 (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Life of Apollonius Tyanæus: With a Comparison Between the Miracles of Scripture and Those Elsewhere Related, as Regards Their Respective Object, Nature, and Evidence (Classic Reprint) With a Comparison Between the Miracles of Scripture and Those Elsewhere Related, as Regards Their Respective Object, Nature, and Evidence (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Beauties of Flora, and Outlines of Botany: With a Language of Flowers; A Perennial Offering (Classic Reprint) Newman, John B. Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Catalogue of Books, Vol. 1 of 2: Published and Sold by Basil Montagu Pickering (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Life of St. Augustine of Canterbury, Apostle of the English: With Some Account of the Early British Church (Classic Reprint) With Some Account of the Early British Church (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Lives of the English Saints: St. Wilfrid, Bishop of York (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Lives of the English Saints, Vol. 6: St. Aelred, Abbot of Rievaux; St. William, Archbishop of York; St. Waltheof; St. Robert (Classic Reprint) St. Aelred, Abbot of Rievaux; St. William, Archbishop of York; St. Waltheof; St. Robert (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Selections From the Prose Writings of John Henry Cardinal Newman: For the Use of Schools (Classic Reprint) For the Use of Schools (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Arians of the Fourth Century: Their Doctrine, Temper, and Conduct, Chiefly as Exhibited in the Councils of the Church, Between A. D. 325,& A. D. 381 (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Lives of the English Saints, Vol. 6 of 6 (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Lives of the English Saints: Hermit Saints, St. Gundleus; St. Helier; St. Herbert; St. Edelwald; St. Bettelin; St. Neot; St. Bartholomew (Large Text Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent (Large Text Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
On the Apostolical Succession in the English Church (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2017 / Engelsk
Thoughts on the Ministerial Commission, Respectfully Addressed to the Clergy (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2017 / Engelsk
Histoire du Développement de la Doctrine Chrétienne: Ou Motifs de Retour à l'Église Catholique (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Fransk
Beauties of Flora, and Outlines of Botany: With a Language of Flowers; A Perennial Offering (Classic Reprint) Newman, John B. Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Historical Sketches: Rise and Progress of Universities; Northmen and Normans in England and Ireland; Medieval Oxford; Convocation of Canterbury (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Letters and Correspondence of John Henry Newman During His Life in the English Church, Vol. 1 of 2: With a Brief Autobiography (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
La Pensée de J. H. Newman: Extraits les Plus Caractéristiques de Son uvre, Choisis Et Traduits par Floris Delattre, Avec une Introduction, une Bibliographie, un Index Et le Texte Anglais Correspondant (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2019 / Fransk
Selection Adapted to the Seasons of the Ecclesiastical Year: From the Parochial Plain Sermons (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Lives of the English Saints, Vol. 1 of 6: Written by Various Hands at the Suggestion of John Henry Newman (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Harmonies of Creation: Or, the Music of the Morning Stars, to Which Are Added, Miscellaneous Poems, on Religious, Moral, and Patriotic Subjects, an Original Work (Classic Reprint) Newman, John C. Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Catalogue of Books, Vol. 1 of 2: Published and Sold by Basil Montagu Pickering (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Letter to the Right Reverend Father in God, Richard, Lord Bishop of Oxford: On Occasion of No; 90, in the Series Called the Tracts for the Times (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Motifs de Conversion de Dix Ministres Anglicans: Exposés par Eux-Mêmes, Et Rétractation du Révérend J. H. Newman (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Fransk
Dr. John Henry Newman's Reply to Mr. Gladstone's Pamphlet (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Lectures on the Prophetical Office of the Church: Viewed Relatively to Romanism and Popullar Protestantism (Large Text Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Tracts for the Times: Remarks on Certain Passages in the Thirty-Nine Articles (Classic Reprint) Newman, John Henry Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk