Boundary Lines of Kansas: An Address by Geo. W. Martin, Secretary of the State Historical Society, Before the Old Settlers' Association at Alma, September 28, Independence, October 16, and at the Banquet at Kansas City, Kan., October 18, 1909, in Martin, George Washington Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Boundary Lines of Kansas: An Address by Geo. W. Martin, Secretary of the State Historical Society, Before the Old Settlers' Association at Alma, September 28, Independence, October 16, and at the Banquet at Kansas City, Kan., October 18, 1909, in Martin, George Washington Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Early Days in Kansas: An Address by George W. Martin, Secretary of the State Historical Society, October 3, 1904, at the Semicentennial of the Founding of Lawrence (Classic Reprint) Martin, George Washington Heftet / 2022 / Engelsk
Early Days in Kansas: An Address by George W. Martin, Secretary of the State Historical Society, October 3, 1904, at the Semicentennial of the Founding of Lawrence (Classic Reprint) Martin, George Washington Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk