Zuwanderungspolitik in Europa Nationale Politiken — Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2012 / Tysk
Politiknetzwerke und europäische Strukturfondsförderung Ein Vergleich zwischen EU-Mitgliedstaaten Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2012 / Tysk
Changing Context of Local Democracy Role Perception and Behaviour of Municipal Councillors Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2020 / Engelsk
Changing Context of Local Democracy Role Perception and Behaviour of Municipal Councillors Heinelt Hubert Innbundet / 2014 / Engelsk
Bürgermeister in Deutschland Politikwissenschaftliche Studien zu direkt gewählten Bürgermeistern Bogumil, Jörg Heftet / 2005 / Tysk
EU Policymaking at a Crossroads Negotiating the 2021–2027 Budget Münch, Sybille Innbundet / 2022 / Engelsk
Second Tier of Local Government in Europe Provinces, Counties, Départements and Landkreise in Comparison Heinelt Hubert Innbundet / 2011 / Engelsk
Handbook of European Policies Interpretive Approaches to the EU Heinelt Hubert Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Policy Choice in Local Responses to Climate Change A Comparison of Urban Strategies Heinelt Hubert Innbundet / 2016 / Engelsk
Policy Choice in Local Responses to Climate Change A Comparison of Urban Strategies Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Lokale „Agenda 21“-Prozesse Erklärungsansätze, Konzepte und Ergebnisse Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2000 / Tysk
Modernisierung der Kommunalpolitik Neue Wege zur Ressourcenmobilisierung Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2012 / Tysk
Second Tier of Local Government in Europe Provinces, Counties, Départements and Landkreise in Comparison Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2014 / Engelsk
Metropolitan Governance Different Paths in Contrasting Contexts: Germany and Israel Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2011 / Engelsk
European Mayor Political Leaders in the Changing Context of Local Democracy Bäck, Henry Heftet / 2006 / Engelsk
Legitimacy and Urban Governance A Cross-National Comparative Study Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2009 / Engelsk
How Europeans Understand Solidarity, Reciprocity and Fairness in the EU Insights from Conversations Among Citizens Egner, Björn Innbundet / 2024 / Engelsk
Policy Making at the Second Tier of Local Government in Europe What is happening in Provinces, Counties, Départements and Landkreise in the on-going re-scaling of statehood? Bertrana Xavier Heftet / 2017 / Engelsk
Legitimacy and Urban Governance A Cross-National Comparative Study Heinelt Hubert Innbundet / 2005 / Engelsk
Urban Governance and Democracy Leadership and Community Involvement Haus Michael Heftet / 2007 / Engelsk
Policy Making at the Second Tier of Local Government in Europe What is happening in Provinces, Counties, Départements and Landkreise in the on-going re-scaling of statehood? Bertrana Xavier Innbundet / 2015 / Engelsk
Urban Governance and Democracy Leadership and Community Involvement Haus Michael Innbundet / 2004 / Engelsk
Politics of Local Innovation Conditions for the Development of Innovations Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2023 / Engelsk
Politics of Local Innovation Conditions for the Development of Innovations Heinelt Hubert Innbundet / 2021 / Engelsk
Political Leaders and Changing Local Democracy The European Mayor Heinelt Hubert Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Close Ties in European Local Governance Linking Local State and Society Teles Filipe Innbundet / 2020 / Engelsk
Political Leaders and Changing Local Democracy The European Mayor Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Close Ties in European Local Governance Linking Local State and Society Teles Filipe Heftet / 2021 / Engelsk
Participatory Governance in Multi-Level Context Concepts and Experience Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2002 / Engelsk
Perspectives on Local Governance Across Europe Insights on Local State-Society Relations Egner, Björn Innbundet / 2022 / Engelsk
Perspectives on Local Governance Across Europe Insights on Local State-Society Relations Egner, Björn Heftet / 2023 / Engelsk
Governing Modern Societies Towards Participatory Governance Heinelt Hubert Innbundet / 2010 / Engelsk
Challenges to Political Decision-making Dealing with Information Overload, Ignorance and Contested Knowledge Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2020 / Engelsk
Frühverrentung als politischer Prozeß Institutionelle Bedingungen, soziale Effekte und finanzielle Verteilungswirkungen — im internationalen Vergleich Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 1991 / Tysk
European Union Environment Policy and New Forms of Governance: A Study of the Implementation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive and the Eco-management and Audit Scheme Regulation in Three Member States A Study of the Implementation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive and the Eco-management and Audit Scheme Regulation in Three Member States Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
European Union Environment Policy and New Forms of Governance: A Study of the Implementation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive and the Eco-management and Audit Scheme Regulation in Three Member States A Study of the Implementation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive and the Eco-management and Audit Scheme Regulation in Three Member States Heinelt Hubert Innbundet / 2017 / Engelsk
Challenges to Political Decision-making Dealing with Information Overload, Ignorance and Contested Knowledge Heinelt Hubert Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Metropolitan Governance in the 21st Century Capacity, Democracy and the Dynamics of Place Heinelt Hubert Innbundet / 2005 / Engelsk
Metropolitan Governance in Deutschland Regieren in Ballungsräumen und neue Formen politischer Steuerung Zimmermann Karsten Heftet / 2012 / Tysk
Metropolitan Governance in the 21st Century Capacity, Democracy and the Dynamics of Place Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2009 / Engelsk
Sustainability, Innovation and Participatory Governance A Cross-National Study of the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme Heinelt Hubert Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Immigranten im Wohlfahrtsstaat am Beispiel der Rechtspositionen und Lebensverhältnisse von Aussiedlern Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 1992 / Tysk
Sustainability, Innovation and Participatory Governance A Cross-National Study of the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme Heinelt Hubert Heftet / 2020 / Engelsk
Das deutsche Gemeinderatsmitglied Problemsichten – Einstellungen – Rollenverständnis Egner, Björn Heftet / 2012 / Tysk
Unemployment and the Insurance Compensation Principle in Britain and Germany Cebulla Andreas Heftet / 2001 / Engelsk