Expert Systems in Engineering: Principles and Applications Principles and Applications Gottlob Georg Heftet / 1990 / Engelsk
Database Theory - ICDT '95 5th International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, January 11 - 13, 1995. Proceedings Gottlob Georg Heftet / 1995 / Engelsk
Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning 16th International Conference, LPNMR 2022, Genova, Italy, September 5–9, 2022, Proceedings Gottlob Georg Heftet / 2022 / Engelsk
Advances in Databases and Information Systems 8th East European Conference, ADBIS 2004, Budapest, Hungary, September 22-25, 2004, Proceedings Gottlob Georg Heftet / 2004 / Engelsk
Big Data 29th British National Conference on databases, BNCOD 2013, Oxford, UK, July 8-10, 2013. Proceedings Olteanu Dan Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk
Advances in Database Technology - EDBT '92 3rd International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Vienna, Austria, March 23-27, 1992. Proceedings Pirotte Alain Heftet / 1992 / Engelsk
Computational Logic and Proof Theory 5th Kurt Gödel Colloquium, KGC'97, Vienna, Austria, August 25-29, 1997, Proceedings Gottlob Georg Heftet / 1997 / Engelsk
Computer Science Logic 12th International Workshop, CSL'98, Annual Conference of the EACSL, Brno, Czech Republic, August 24-28, 1998, Proceedings Gottlob Georg Heftet / 1999 / Engelsk
Computational Logic and Proof Theory Third Kurt Gödel Colloquium, KGC'93, Brno, Czech Republic, August 24-27, 1993. Proceedings Gottlob Georg Heftet / 1993 / Engelsk