Gascoigne's Princely Pleasures, with the Masque Intended to Have Been Presented Before Queen Elizabeth, at Kenilworth Castle in 1575 Gascoigne, George Heftet / 2017 / Engelsk
Vvhole Woorkes of George Gascoigne Esquire Newlye Compyled Into One Volume. (1587) Gascoigne, George Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
English Reprints: 1. Certayne Notes of Instruction in English Verse, 1575;, 2. The Steele Glas;, 3. The Complaynt of Philomene (Classic Reprint) Gascoigne, George Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Gascoigne's Princely Pleasures With the Masque, Intended to Have Been Presented Before Queen Elizabeth, at Kenilworth Castle in 1575: With an Introductory Memoir and Notes (Classic Reprint) Gascoigne, George Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Vvhole Woorkes of George Gascoigne Esquire Newlye Compyled Into One Volume. (1587) Gascoigne, George Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Glasse of Gouernement a Tragicall Comedie So Entituled, Bycause Therein Are Handled Aswell the Rewardes for Vertues, as Also the Punishment for Vices. Done by George Gascoigne Esquier. (1575) Gascoigne, George Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
English Reprints: Certayne Notes of Instruction in English Verse, 1575; The Steele Glas (Commenced Apr. 1575, Finished Apr. 1576) April 1, 1576; The Complaynt of Philomore (Commenced Apr. 1562, Continued in Apr. 1575, Finished 3 Apr. 1576) April 1576 Gascoigne, George Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Gascoigne's Princely Pleasures With the Masque, Intended to Have Been Presented Before Queen Elizabeth, at Kenilworth Castle in 1575: With an Introductory Memoir and Notes (Classic Reprint) Gascoigne, George Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Glasse of Gouernement a Tragicall Comedie So Entituled, Bycause Therein Are Handled Aswell the Rewardes for Vertues, as Also the Punishment for Vices. Done by George Gascoigne Esquier. (1575) Gascoigne, George Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Glasse of Gouernement a Tragicall Comedie So Entituled, Bycause Therein Are Handled Aswell the Rewardes for Vertues, as Also the Punishment for Vices. Done by George Gascoigne Esquier. (1575) Gascoigne, George Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Discourse of a Discouerie for a New Passage to Cataia. Vvritten by Sir Humfrey Gilbert, Knight (1576) Gascoigne, George Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
English Reprints: Certayne Notes of Instruction in English Verse, 1575; The Steele Glas (Commenced Apr. 1575, Finished Apr. 1576) April 1, 1576; The Complaynt of Philomore (Commenced Apr. 1562, Continued in Apr. 1575, Finished 3 Apr. 1576) April 1576 Gascoigne, George Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
English Reprints: 1. Certayne Notes of Instruction in English Verse, 1575;, 2. The Steele Glas;, 3. The Complaynt of Philomene (Classic Reprint) Gascoigne, George Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk