Memorial of John Harvard: The Gift to Harvard University of Samuel James Bridge; Ceremonies at the Unveiling of the Statue, October 15, 1884; With an Address (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and Monument: With Illustrative Documents (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and Monument: With Illustrative Documents (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Letters Upon the Annexation of Texas: Addressed to Hon. John Quincy Adams, as Originally Published in the Boston Atlas Under the Signature of Lisle (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Influence of a Great Mind When Imbued With the Spirit of the Christian Religion: a Sermon Preached in the Meeting-House of the Harvard Church and Society in Charlestown, on Sunday, October 9, 1842, on Occasion of the Death of Rev. William Ellery Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Memoir of Luther V. Bell, M.D., Ll. D.: Prepared by Vote of the Massachusetts Historical Society Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Nation's Ballot and Its Decision: a Discourse Delivered in Austin-Street Church, Cambridgeport, and in Harvard Church, Charlestown, on Sunday, Nov. 13, 1864; Being the Sunday Following the Presidential Election Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Opening, the Use, and the Future of Our Domain on This Continent Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Oration Delivered at Charlestown, Massachusetts, on the 17th of June, 1841, in Commemoration of the Battle of Bunker-Hill Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Puritan Age and Rule in the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, 1629-1685 Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk
Red Man and the White Man in North America from Its Discovery to the Present Time Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk
Preservation of the States United: A Discourse Delivered in Harvard Church, Charlestown, on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 29, 1860 (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
March 17Th, 1876: Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Evacuation of Boston by the British Army, March 17Th, 1776. Reception of the Washington Medal. Oration Delivered in Music Hall, and a Chronicle of the Siege of Boston Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Discourse Delivered at the Dedication of the First Meeting-House: of the First Church and Society in Somerville, Mass., on Wednesday, September 3, 1845 Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Letters Upon the Annexation of Texas: Addressed to Hon. John Quincy Adams, as Originally Published in the Boston Atlas Under the Signature of Lisle (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Half-Century of the Unitarian Controversy: With Particular Reference to Its Origin, Its Course, and Its Prominent Subjects Among the Congregationalists of Massachusetts (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Unitarian, and Foreign Religious Miscellany, Vol. 1: Devoted to the Explanation and Defence of the Principles of Unitarian Christianity (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Evacuation of Boston by the British Army, March 17th, 1776, Etc. Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2011 / Engelsk
Address of the Life and Character of Chief-Justice Samuel Sewall: Delivered in the Old South Church, Boston, Sunday, October 26, 1884 (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and Monument: With Illustrative Documents Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Memoir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford: With Notices of His Daughter ... Published in Connection With an Edition of Rumford's Complete Works Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Organ and Church Music: Two Discourses Delivered in Harvard Church, Charlestown, September 26, 1852 Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and Monument : With Illustrative Documents Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Memoir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, With Notices of His Daughter ... Published in Connection With an Edition of Rumford's Complete Works Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Letters Upon the Annexation of Texas : Addressed to Hon. John Quincy Adams, as Originally Published in the Boston Atlas Under the Signature of Lisle Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Unitarian, and Foreign Religious Miscellany, Vol. 1: Devoted to the Explanation and Defence of the Principles of Unitarian Christianity (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Preservation of the States United: A Discourse Delivered in Harvard Church, Charlestown, on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 29, 1860 (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and Monument: With Illustrative Documents (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2022 / Engelsk
Opening, the Use, and the Future of Our Domain on This Continent: An Address Delivered Before the New York Historical Society on Its Eighty-Second Anniversary, Tuesday, November 16, 1886 (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Address of the Life and Character of Chief-Justice Samuel Sewall: Delivered in the Old South Church, Boston, Sunday, October 26, 1884 (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Redemption; The Gospel Message, and Its Warrant: A Sermon Preached at the Installation of Rev. Rufus Ellis, as Pastor of the First Church in Boston, May 4, 1853 (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and Monument: With Illustrative Documents (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Discourse Delivered in the First Church, Boston: Before the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, June 1, 1846, Being the Ccviiith Anniversary Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Half-Century of the Unitarian Controversy: With Particular Reference to Its Origin, Its Course, and Its Prominent Subjects Among the Congregationalists of Massachusetts : With an Appendix Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Oration Delivered at Charlestown, Massachusetts, on the 17th of June, 1841, in Commemoration of the Battle of Bunker-Hill (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Opening, the Use, and the Future of Our Domain on This Continent: An Address Delivered Before the New York Historical Society on Its Eighty-Second Anniversary, Tuesday, November 16, 1886 (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Memorial of John Harvard: The Gift to Harvard University of Samuel James Bridge; Ceremonies at the Unveiling of the Statue, October 15, 1884; With an Address (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Memoir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford: With Notices of His Daughter Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Memoir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, With Notices of His Daughter Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk
Oration Delivered at Charlestown, Massachusetts, on the 17th of June, 1841, in Commemoration of the Battle of Bunker-Hill (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Redemption; The Gospel Message, and Its Warrant: A Sermon Preached at the Installation of Rev. Rufus Ellis, as Pastor of the First Church in Boston, May 4, 1853 (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Half-Century of the Unitarian Controversy: With Particular Reference to Its Origin, Its Course, and Its Prominent Subjects Among the Congregationalists of Massachusetts (Classic Reprint) Ellis, George Edward Innbundet / 2018 / Engelsk
Bible, or the Church. a Discourse on the New Aspect of the Controversy Between Ecclesiastical Au Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2009 / Engelsk
Oration Delivered at Charlestown, Massachusetts: on the 17Th of June, 1841, in Commemoration of the Battle of Bunker-Hill Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
I. the Aims and Purposes of the Founders of Massachusetts. Ii. Their Treatment of Intruders and Dissentients: Two Lectures of a Course by Members of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Delivered Before the Lowell Institute on Jan. 8 and Jan. 12, Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Discourse Delivered in Harvard Church, Charlestown: on Sunday, March 12, 1865, on the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of His Ordination Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Red Man and the White Man in North America, from Its Discovery to the Present Time Ellis, George Edward Heftet / 2013 / Engelsk