Forme of Wholsome Words, Or, an Introduction to the Body of Divinity in Three Sermons on 2 Timothy, I.13 / Preached by John Stoughton ... (1640) Burgess, Anthony Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
True Doctrine of Justification Asserted and Vindicated, from the Errours of Papists, Arminians, Socinians, and More Especially Antinomians In XXX. Lectures Preached at Lawrence-Iury, London Burgess, Anthony Heftet / 2017 / Engelsk
True Doctrine of Justification Asserted and Vindicated, from the Errours of Papists, Arminians, Socinians, and More Especially Antinomians In XXX. Lectures Preached at Lawrence-Iury, London Burgess, Anthony Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
True Doctrine of Justification Asserted and Vindicated, from the Errours of Papists, Arminians, Socinians, and More Especially Antinomians In XXX. Lectures Preached at Lawrence-Iury, London Burgess, Anthony Innbundet / 2015 / Engelsk