Actively Seeking Inclusion Pupils with Special Needs in Mainstream Schools Allan Julie Heftet / 1999 / Engelsk
Rethinking Inclusive Education: The Philosophers of Difference in Practice Allan Julie Innbundet / 2007 / Engelsk
Actively Seeking Inclusion Pupils with Special Needs in Mainstream Schools Allan Julie Innbundet / 1999 / Engelsk
Rethinking Inclusive Education: The Philosophers of Difference in Practice Allan Julie Heftet / 2010 / Engelsk
Psychopathology at School Theorizing mental disorders in education Harwood Valerie Innbundet / 2014 / Engelsk
Psychopathology at School Theorizing mental disorders in education Harwood Valerie Heftet / 2016 / Engelsk
Social Capital, Children and Young People Implications for Practice, Policy and Research Allan Julie Heftet / 2012 / Engelsk
Making a Difference in Theory The theory question in education and the education question in theory Biesta, Gert Innbundet / 2013 / Engelsk
Making a Difference in Theory The theory question in education and the education question in theory Biesta, Gert Heftet / 2015 / Engelsk
World Yearbook of Education 2020 Schooling, Governance and Inequalities Allan Julie Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
World Yearbook of Education 2020 Schooling, Governance and Inequalities Allan Julie Heftet / 2021 / Engelsk