History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period, Volume I From the Beginnings to the End of the Monarchy Albertz Rainer Heftet / 1994 / Engelsk
Die Josephsgeschichte im Pentateuch Ein Beitrag zur Überwindung einer anhaltenden Forschungskontroverse Albertz Rainer Innbundet / 2021 / Tysk
History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period, Volume II From the Exile to the Maccabees Albertz Rainer Heftet / 1994 / Engelsk
Israel in Exile The History and Literature of the Sixth Century B.C.E. Albertz Rainer Heftet / 2003 / Engelsk
Family and Household Religion in Ancient Israel and the Levant Albertz Rainer Innbundet / 2012 / Engelsk
Geschichte und Theologie II Studien zur Literatur-, Religions- und Theologiegeschichte des Alten Testaments Albertz Rainer Innbundet / 2023 / Tysk
Geschichte und Theologie Studien zur Exegese des Alten Testaments und zur Religionsgeschichte Israels Albertz Rainer Innbundet / 2003 / Tysk
Between Cooperation and Hostility Multiple Identities in Ancient Judaism and the Interaction with Foreign Powers Albertz Rainer Innbundet / 2022 / Engelsk
Perspectives on the Formation of the Book of the Twelve Methodological Foundations - Redactional Processes - Historical Insights Albertz Rainer Innbundet / 2012 / Engelsk
Family and Household Religion Toward a Synthesis of Old Testament Studies, Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Cultural Studies Albertz Rainer Innbundet / 2014 / Engelsk