She has established herself in the course of one sparkling lustrum. Miss Spark is indeed an author to be grateful for in our plutonian age
Joan Davenport, The Observer
Each of her sentences fulfils perfectly its own purpose, and there is never an extraneous joke. Miss Brodie makes excellent reading
Karl Miller, New Statesmen
No other woman writer of this generation has simultaneously attracted so much notice from the critics and achieved so much success with the public at large
Francis King, Time and Tide
Deliciously witty and eminently a ‘must’
John O’ London’s
Every word goes home like a well-aimed arrow. I doubt if there is a more original or morally aware novelist writing in English to-day
Peter Green, The Daily Telegraph
It’s such a perfect gem of a story, morally complex, harrowing, funny, and featuring the most charismatic anti-hero in Scottish literature. Plus you can read it in a day.
- Ian Rankin, The Guardian