'Will you marry me?' I think of you, then. I think of you every day. But usually in the quietest part of the morning, or the darkest part of the night. Not when my boyfriend of two years has just proposed. I look up at Richard with his hopeful eyes. 'Lily?' he prompts. It's been ten years, but it feels like only yesterday that you left. How can I say yes to Richard with all my heart when most of it has always belonged to you? I take a deep breath and will myself to speak… Ten years ago when Lily was just sixteen, she fell in love with someone she reallyshouldn't have fallen in love with. Now, living in Sydney and engaged to another man, she can't forget the one that got away. Then her past comes back to haunt her, and she has to make a decision that will break her heart - and the heart of at least one of the men who love her.
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When Lily's unrequited teenage love walks back into her life after ten years, she has a difficult choice to make.*PLUS* LUCY IN THE SKY bonus CDs
‘For smart romantic fiction look no further than the new book from bestselling Paige Toon… Prepare yourself for a massive twist’


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Paige Toon was born in 1975. A philosophy graduate, she worked at teen, film and women's magazines, before ending up at Heat magazine as Reviews Editor. She is very experienced at events and interviews and has a significant social media following. The One We Fell in Love With was picked for the Zoella Book Club. Her novels are bestsellers throughout Europe. Paige Toon was born in 1975. A philosophy graduate, she worked at teen, film and women's magazines, before ending up at Heat magazine as Reviews Editor. She is very experienced at events and interviews and has a significant social media following. The One We Fell in Love With was picked for the Zoella Book Club. Her novels are bestsellers throughout Europe.