`<b>Peer Support in Action</b> contains a great many interesting and practical ideas related to the planning and implemention of a peer-based support system in school.... The way this book has been written will make it a very useful tool for psychologists or other professionals working with schools setting up programmes or "services". It provides a good <i>framework</i> for the process of development and evaluation of such a programme and is not prescriptive in terms of the type of peer suport that might be developed within that process′ - <b><i>Debate
<p><b><i>`Although the book is very school focused in the language and the examples it uses, it will be a valuable resource for anyone involved in the pastoral care of young people from youth workers to educational psychologists. </i></b></p>
<p><b><i><b>Peer Support in Action</b> is a well-rounded guide to setting up and sustaining a peer support service. Whilst showing the transformation potential of peer support for both supporter and supportee, it highlights the serious nature of such an undertaking, emphasising the importance of rigour in this area of education which, if not approached with care, could potentially do more damage than good. It also points to some of the likely stumbling blocks encountered when introducing a system which may prove to be challenging to the very institutions that wish to adopt it′ - <b><i>Educational Review</i></b></i></b></p>
<p> </p>
<p><b><i><b><i>`It would be of use to adults and teachers who are starting to research peer support and the logistics of adopting such a scheme in their school. It would also be of use for staff who are currently operating a peer support scheme. I personally will use this book and keep a copy in the counselling service library, recommending it to counsellors/trainers and teachers interested or already facilitating peer support in their schools′ - <b><i>British Journal of Guidance and Counselling</i></b></i></b></i></b></p>
<p><b><i><b><i><b><i>`It is easy to read, comprehensive in its structure and advice and through examples of first-hand experiences, makes the reader feel enthusiastic about trying out different ideas…. An excellent handbook for the manager of a peer support system for any organization′ - <b><i>Anne Woodhouse, Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry</i></b></i></b></i></b></i></b></p>