"Simon Hazeldine covers real world, practical advice and techniques to tap into the buyer's brain so that you can influence them on a much deeper level then your competitors."
Sean McPheat, author of Eselling
"Simon Hazeldine builds on the solid, scientifically-grounded principles of neuroscience (which he has studied extensively) and shows the practical application of these principles in real-world selling and interaction. I just hope my competition doesn't get hold of this masterpiece. It is a book to be studied, not just read. Get it. Devour it. Apply it. Your business and your life will be better for it."
Terry Brock MBA, CSP, CPAE, Author, Professional Speaker, Marketing Coach
"Simon Hazeldine has conducted extensive research into neuroscience to understand how the brain responds during sales and negotiation and when a person is making buying decisions. His insights have created a highly effective sales tool that will help you close more sales with less effort."
Allan Pease Author of #1 Bestseller The Definitive Book of Body Language
"Simon Hazeldine has taught me so much about how the brain works, and as a professional property investor, it's helped me make a lot more money. I thought I could work people out until I read this book! Simon's brain friendly selling information is something you'll wish you knew years ago, and you'll realise just how much money you left on the table. Once you've read this though, it will ALL change. Do it now."
Rob Moore, Best selling Property Investment Author and Co-founder of Progressive Property
"Simon Hazeldine's latest book is a must read if you want to know how to increase sales and understand the science behind why people buy."
David Tovey, Business Development speaker Author of Principled Selling – How to Win More Business Without Selling Your Soul
"<b><i>Neuro-Sell</i></b> combines the latest neuroscience research with hard-won sales experience to introduce the reader to the power of "brain-friendly selling". Essential reading if you want to create long-term client relationships in a world where technology has levelled the persuasion and influence playing field."
Jamie Smart, author of Clarity: Clear Mind, Better Performance, Bigger Results
"A fascinating and compelling read, which manages to get the right balance between science and practical application. It translates leading edge research into simple, easy steps and actions anyone can take to be a more effective salesperson. Anyone who needs to sell needs to read this book."
Heather Townsend, author of The Financial Times Guide to Business Networking